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Thread: Bulking diet for small man

  1. #1

    Bulking diet for small man

    Calories (pro/carb/fat)

    Meal 1 Pro/Carb Time 8:00 AM
    2 Multi Vitamin
    6 egg whites 99(21/2/0)
    1 egg yolk 61(3/0/5)
    2 English muffins 200(8/40/2)

    Total 360(32/42/7)

    Meal 2 Pro/Fat Time 11:20 AM

    2 cans of tuna 300(64/0/2)
    1.5 tbsp olive oil 179(0/0/21)

    Total 379(64/0/22)

    Meal 3 Pro/Carb 1:30 PM

    1 chicken breast 263 (38/0/2)
    1/2 cup Brown Rice 240(8/70/2)

    Total 503(46/70/4)

    Meal 4 Pro/Fat 4:30 PM

    1 cans of tuna 150(32/0/1)
    1 tbsp olive oil 119(0/0/14)

    Total 269(32/0/15)

    Meal 5 Pro/Carb

    1 chicken breast 263 (38/0/2)
    4 slices whole wheat bread 360(16/72/4)

    Total 623(54/72/6)

    Meal 6 Pro/Carb PREWORK

    1 cans of tuna 150(32/0/1)
    ½ cup of oats 150(6/27/2.5)

    Total 300(38/27/3.5)


    Meal 7 PWO

    (For now) 1 Myoplex MRP shake

    Total 280(42/24/3)

    Meal 8 Pro/Carbs

    1 small yogurt 250(11/47/3)
    ½ cup cottage cheese 100(13/3/4)
    1 tbsp olive oil 119(0/0/14)
    Total 469(24/50/21)

    Calories 3,064
    Protein 332
    Carbs 282
    Fats 81
    Last edited by savecowman; 10-14-2007 at 03:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Mind you that I always have veggies mixed in they just dont happen to be listed

  3. #3
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    what is ur stats?

  4. #4
    haha 5'8 150lbs 21 years old. Looking to put on 20lbs in 3 months(2 lbs a week or so) ummmm yah

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    Quote Originally Posted by savecowman
    haha 5'8 150lbs 21 years old. Looking to put on 20lbs in 3 months(2 lbs a week or so) ummmm yah
    If you dont mind getting a little fatter.

  6. #6
    everybody loves a little fat...Well what should I do to adjust this? Aim for more time?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    Quote Originally Posted by savecowman
    everybody loves a little fat...Well what should I do to adjust this? Aim for more time?
    Sure. Adjust your diet so that youre eating enough for an additional 10 pounds over your current weight. When you get close to the maintainance level for the additional weight gained, then bump up the calorie intake again. That way, you dont add too much fat too fast while you grow and you can see the lbm that you put on. This stuff takes years, my man. Good luck.

  8. #8
    Yah but is 3000 calories even too much? It seems like the right amount

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Macros look decent, if anything Id cut down the protein. You're taking in more then 2g/Lbs, unnecessary cals right there. Carbs and Protein should be around the same vicinity. Depending on your percentage breakdown as in 40/40/20.

  10. #10
    thanks guys..I'll adjust it to 40 40 20 ..before i was going for about 40 30 30..thanks!

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