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  1. #1
    RakeBoi is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Please critique my diet

    Hi everyone, I figure I should probably tell you a bit about my history first, as I am sure you will see, its probably quite important. Ive been training for about 4 years now.I stopped training about 6 months ago, put on a load of fat and then stopped eating meat. When bulking, I would normally have aimed for about 225lbs (im 5'9) and by the end of cutting I would generally be around 200lbs. 200lbs at 10% bf is about the best condition I have found myself in, and is where I am most happy. Due to not eating properly or training, I have dropped a lot of muscle and put on a lot of fat, although I have since dropped most of the fat. At the moment I am 180lbs, at about 14/15% bf.
    I want to get down to about 10% and put on about 15lbs of muscle.

    Diet is going to be a considerable problem for me though, because I do not eat meat, and im intolerant to all dairy, soya and most beans and lentils. I have started eating white fish recently, but I absolutely despise it, and due to the associated mercury risk that has recently been highlighted in government literature, I intend to only eat 3 portions a week, on heavy training days.

    My training split is as follows
    Monday - Chest, Tris
    Tuesday - Cardio, Abs, Calves
    Wednesday - Back, Bis
    Thursday- Off
    Friday - Shoulders, Hams, Quads
    Saturday - Cardio, Abs, Calves
    Sunday - Off

    The diet I intend to start from next week is as follows, andy advice anyone has would be most appreciated.

    The following is my training day diet

    Meal 1
    6 extra large egg whites ( even bigger than american jumbo sized eggs, I worked them out to be about 32g of protein for 6)
    100g Oats - 60g carbs, 11g protein
    Total 43g protein, 60gram carbs

    Meal 2
    60g rice protein
    40g protein

    Meal 3-
    4 quorn burgers (mycroprotein, egg white and wheat protein) - 36g protein
    100g whole pasta - 13g protein, 70g carbs
    Total 49 protein, 70 carbs
    472 cals

    Meal 4
    60g rice protein - 40g protein
    60g dextrose - 60g carbs

    Meal 5
    100g quinoa - 70g carbs, 13g protein
    200g cod - 40 g protein
    70g carbs, 53g protein
    492 cals

    Meal 6
    1 whole extra large egg, 5 extra large egg whites.
    35g protein
    140 cals

    Whoops forgot fat, but it works out about 35g, which is 315 cals

    Total carbs - 260g
    Total Protein- 260g
    Total cals - 2303

    I realise rice protein and quorn arent the best sources of protein around, but with bcaa supplementation, hopefully I can make up the amino acids.
    Supplement wise, im only taking a b complex supplement and a specialist one a day vegetarian vitamin tablet, because I can't take my two a day horse pill ones anymore because they contain gelatin. I will find some no gelatin containing fish oil tabs and a two a day multi if possible, as well as bcaas, which I will especially need. I eat quite a lot of greens as well, but they have little to no impact or anything, so I couldn't be bothered to try and work them into it as well. I know im not going to be able to get over 200lbs again, but if I can make 185 at 10%, I will be more than happy.
    Last edited by RakeBoi; 10-15-2007 at 08:01 AM.

  2. #2
    Roidal's Avatar
    Roidal is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Your diet is terrible, there is no fat!

    Fat is necessary if you want your body to stay healhty, it does not impede fat loss.

  3. #3
    NOZ's Avatar
    NOZ is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    agreed.....def add sum fats to the diet.
    try to get it from foods and also mabe add sum udo's oil too.

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