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Thread: Making Protein Bars

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa

    Making Protein Bars

    Hey there guys,

    I was kinda thinking of making my own protein bars cause they're kinda expensive here and many have lotsa crap I dont wanna put in my body. I wanted to try Tobe's bars but the thing is I am trying to make a really low-carb hi-protein bar, and also I wanted not to have to bake it since I am not sure what this will do to the protein (denature?). I was looking at many bars in the shops today and this confirmed my preconception that the way they 'bind' all the stuff together is with glycerine.

    I just wanna know if anyone here has used glycering or maybe a substitute for it? If so can you give me any pointers? Basically according to the ingredients, the companies put pure protein powders, some fats eg flaxseed oil, glycerine. Thats it, besides the optional coating of carob/yogurt they put on.

    Anyone know if this will work? I am gonna try it soon for sure, but just wanted to get any hints/tips/input before messing up a good batch of protein


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    south florida
    i tryed this one time.....2 scoops whey pro. 3-4 egg whites mix into a thick paste and bake for 20 minutes...not the tastiest thing in the world but it puts something in your mouth????


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Thumbs up

    Checkout the recipe section I,m pretty sure Tobey posted some great recipes on protein bars

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Protien Bars

    I think that there are several different reciepes in the reciepe section that might be what you are looking for. If not let me now and I will dig somthing up for you. There was a post in the past where someone asked about cooking with protien. At first I said that it did not matter as there have been many reciepes that have been out using name brand proteins that were out on the market. After doing a little research I found that most bakers use Gluten protien( it's a whey protien) in their reciepes as it will not lose it's propertites at higher temperatures. I'm not sure at what temperature protien begins to break down but it seems to me that it was really high. Much higher than your average 350 degress baking temperature. You should be able to find it in your local supplement store OR at your nearest bakery.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa
    thanks for the help guys.

    tobey - the two reasons I'd prefer not to cook/bake the bars is firstly I know most proteins will denature, secondly and this is with reference to gluten - it tastes crappy IMO

    What I wanna basically do is mix my great tasting protein powder with maybe a bit of peanut butter and then some form of binding/hardening agent so I just have to put it in fridge to set - no need for extra flavorants as would be the case with gluten.

    Got any idea as to what I can try use? Will peanut butter do the trick or do I have to add a carb to it such as oatmeal?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    Now I have tried this although it will not set up in the fridge into bars as you mentioned above. I have taken chocolate protien powder, 1 or 2 very ripe bananas, andd a spoon full of peanut butter and mix it all up. It taste really good and there is no cooking involved at all. You may be able to put the concoction into a plastic tupper ware bowl and take it with you, how ever it will not hardern. And as for gluten, I have heard that many bakers use yeast instead as it allows the bread, cakes ect to rise much better and fuller. As for taste, I could not say as I have never tried it.

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