Here's my first attempt at a cutting/lean mass diet with a little help from I copied and pasted it into a Word Document and then into my post, but the formatting doesn't work well. See the attachment for a better view. I'm 5'8" 140 Lbs and an endurance athlete and I'm preparing a diet to go along with an 8 week VAR/Furaguno cycle plus T3 and support supplements. My goal is to gain strength without adding much mass or weight. I will be running 2 miles twice/wk, spinning (staionary bike) 1 hour 2x/wk, in addition to lifting 3 days per week. Any suggestions would be welcome.
Food Name Serving Size Cals Fat Carb Protein
Meal 1
Egg, white only, raw 1 cup 122 0 3 26
Olive oil 1/2 Tb 60 7 0 0
Yogurt, plain, nonfat milk 1 Tb 9 0 1 1
Salsa, red, uncooked 1 Tb 3 0 1 0
Oatmeal 1/2 cup 73 1 13 3
Banana, raw 1 medium 75 0 19 1
Meal 2
Tofu, raw, firm 1/2 cup 183 11 5 20
Flaxseed oil 1 Tb 120 14 0 0
Meal 3
Turkey brst roasted 6 oz 248 1 0 55
Rice, brown 1/2 cup 107 1 22 2
Lettuce romaine 2 cup 16 0 3 2
Tomatoes, roma 1 13 0 3 1
Olive oil 1 Tb 119 14 0 0
Vinegar 1 Tb 2 0 1 0
Meal 4
Soy protein isolate 1 scoop 96 1 2 23
Rice, brown 1/2 cup 107 1 22 2
Meal 5 PWM
Whey Protein Isolate 2 scoops 240 1 7 50
Flaxseed oil 1 Tb 120 14 0 0
vitargo 3 scoops 432 0 108 0
Meal 6
Cod, baked or broiled 8 oz 226 7 1 39
Rice, brown 1 cup 215 2 44 5
Ratatouille 1 cup 151 12 11 2
parmesan, shredded 1 Tb 21 1 0 2
Meal 7
Whey Protein Isolate 1 scoop 120 1 4 25
Totals 2878 89 270 259