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Thread: Look for educated input on diet, VAR, WINNY, etc.

  1. #1

    Look for educated input on diet, VAR, WINNY, etc.

    I have learned a lot from this is where I'm at.

    Been working out for a long time........heavy for about 1.5 years now. I am 36, 240lb, 6'2", and about a 15-17% body fat.

    My goals are to get leaner, develop abs, get stronger, and lose body fat. I have already seen my bench go up about 80 lbs (245 to 325) in about 6 months of better diet and better workouts (now doing way more legs, more core, squats, dead lifts, etc. and hired a PT about 2 months ago that is great). Also, seen leg press go from 360 to 600+ and dead lift from 225 to 350+.

    My diet has been good for about 3.5 months and I keep making it better as I learn more. The nutrition calc says about 3800 calories to maintain my weight. Most days (I'm really strict most days and bigger problem is I travel and have hard time finding good food) home no issue.....anyway most days I do just over 2000 calories, 225 protein, 200 carbs,and 50 fats. All of this is through real food except for one protein shake 45 after wo and 1 protein bar for a snack.

    I started VAR one week ago today. I took 40 for day 1 and 2, then 60 day 3, and have taken 100 ed since.

    How am I doing so far?

    I plan to keep diet in check and cut VAR back to 50 to extend the gear so it will last a full 6 weeks.

    I also just read a great article about stacking with WINNY (I have liquid) EOD at 50mg.

    Hey - thanks for reading and I'm new at this.

    All good advice appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Calories are too low, you're slowing your metabolism down.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    Calories are too low, you're slowing your metabolism down.
    Thanks....what is a good calorie goal????

    Never thought I'd have a hard time eating.....not as easy as you would think.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by HARDWORKPAYSOFF1
    Thanks....what is a good calorie goal????

    Never thought I'd have a hard time eating.....not as easy as you would think.
    Try for 500-1000 less than your daily maintenance... if it gets too low your body goes into "starvation mode" and slows your metabolism down to compensate... and it becomes harder to lose fat.

    Post your diet up for critique. Are you doing cardio?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    yeah you need to up your calories if 3800 is your maintenance, try get another 75g of protein that would add 300 calories and I would take 1-2 tbls of flax seed oil just before bed which will add approx 28g of fat and another 260 calories

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