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Thread: (whole foods>powders)--growth??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    (whole foods>powders)--growth??

    I used to consume 2 protein shakes and 1 high calorie/protein weight gainer shake a day. I now altered my diet to contain primarily whole foods. I nly have 1 protein shake a day now and that is PWO. My old breakfast used to be a little bowl of cereal+ portein shake. Now it is 3 whole eggs, about 1/4 lb chicken, 2 slices whole-grain toast, and a glass of milk. My new whole food rich diet seems to give me more enegy, strength, and a greater muscle to fat ratio. I have heard whole foods are better for growth is this true? I actually get more protein/ less fat....with a slight reduction in calories...from my new diet. are whole foods for growth? i know a calorie is a calorie...but which is beter?

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    Whole foods are superior to shakes, given that each had the same nutritional value.

  3. #3
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    okay. and might I add that I am not knocking shakes or doubting them in any way whatsoever. I beleive protein shakes are very important and a necesity for bodybuilders, especially during post workout. I have just noticed positive changes in both my physique and the way I feel since converting to a diet dominant in whole foods. And with my new diet, though it is more expensive and tedius to maintain, I actually consume more protein and less fat than before. Instead of having a weight gainer of mixed proteins, carbs, fat, and a shit load of calories hold me over for hours...i am consuming a nutritous meal of chicken or lean beef, broccoli & cheese, a baked potato or wheat bread, sometimes rice and beans, and a glass of milk..... sometimes two of these nutritious meals in the time the old shake would hold me over. I also eat alot more fruits & veggies every day on my new diet. Call me crazy, but i swear my body prefers lean cuts of beef, broccoli, a baked potato, and a glass of milk to a weight gain shake...and it sure as hell prefers my eggs, chicken, toast, and milk brekfast to my old frosted flakes and protein shake too. My question too all of you, in your own experiances, which have you found to be better. I think a diet w/o a protein shake ever is foolish, but one dominant in "quality" whole foods to be superior to one dominant in shakes. I do believe also, however, that no matter how good your diet is, you should take a good multivitamin/ mineral every day. back to the subject.....powders/shakes vs whole foods...???
    Last edited by yungfaceb3; 10-26-2007 at 09:41 PM.

  4. #4
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    In an apartment.
    I'm a fan of shakes because it's easier to suck down a 12 oz shaker bottle of nutrition and eat some home made granola in the middle of class than to bust out 8 oz of chicken, 1/2 c of greens, and 1/2 cup of oat meal and try to eat that without being conspicuous and disruptive. I also believe that protein shakes are far more effective PWO (I put honey, oats, and protein powder in mine... it's tasty, just make sure you're using instant oats or they get stuck in the bottle or cup).

    That said under ideal circumstances I would say that whole food is ideal for anything other than a PWO or pre-bed protein source. Ideally I would eat all six meals whole food. I'd say in my experience whole foods digest better, sit longer, and keep my sugar more stable. You also get more variety and interest in your diet.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumbbell_Blonde
    I'm a fan of shakes because it's easier to suck down a 12 oz shaker bottle of nutrition and eat some home made granola in the middle of class than to bust out 8 oz of chicken, 1/2 c of greens, and 1/2 cup of oat meal and try to eat that without being conspicuous and disruptive. I also believe that protein shakes are far more effective PWO (I put honey, oats, and protein powder in mine... it's tasty, just make sure you're using instant oats or they get stuck in the bottle or cup).

    That said under ideal circumstances I would say that whole food is ideal for anything other than a PWO or pre-bed protein source. Ideally I would eat all six meals whole food. I'd say in my experience whole foods digest better, sit longer, and keep my sugar more stable. You also get more variety and interest in your diet.
    agreed. I like a shake post work out and before bed, but otherwise try to make up the rest of my diet with whole foods. I know what you mean about class though, and having that shake and granola to last till your next meal is the way to go.

  6. #6
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    Jun 2007
    yeah PWO and before bed shakes are better in my opinion. and about class...your right. I usually try to eat a large enough brekfast to hold me over for half of my classes and then eat a good breakfast bar and a peice of fruit about 3 quarters through to hold me til lunch. If I wake up late though..and ahve a sorry breakfast or I am just extrememly sore....i will put down a shake during class too.

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