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Thread: Hardgainer who needs some help!

  1. #1

    Hardgainer who needs some help!

    Hello all. I'm 21 yrs old, 6'6, I weigh around 180 give or take a few lbs. I cant gain weight for the life of me. Ive taken countless supplements from Xyience to CellTech to Whey proteina nd nothing works. I'm just curious if anyone has any suggestions as to what type of diet I can do. Id like to continue taking a protein shake as I have 2 jobs so eating a full meal every 2-3 hrs is going to be a bit difficult. Should I add a spoon full of peanut butter to my shakes or just leave them alone? Any help is greatly appreciated. Sorry to sound like a "noob" or idiot just misinformed and trying to do some research. BAre w/ me please ha.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Read the posts at the top of this section on bulking diets, they lay it out in detail.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    According to this site your BMR is around 3,000. That means, if you're eating 3,000 calories per day you will stay the same weight. Try to eat 500-1000 more than that to gain weight at an efficient rate. If you can't gain weight, you're not eating enough, simple biology.

    Break this amount up into 6-7 meals, including a postworkout shake that includes 50g protein and 100g carbs (maltodextrin+dextrose is a good combo)

    1g protein = 4 kcal
    1g carbs = 4 kcal
    1g fats = 9 kcal

    If you take supplements, or steroids, with a diet insufficient in nutrients and calories, you're wasting your money plain and simple.
    Last edited by AandF6969; 10-31-2007 at 09:06 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    eat alot ...i mean alot .... and no mcD's bullshit ... stay away from all restaurant ... i mean eat like chicken , steaks, tuna , a shit load of pasta and rice ....eggs...
    as fpor training try doing negative reps...heavy ... real heavy !!
    good luck !

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    To save you some embarrassment - yeah, read all those at the top of the Diet forum, especially get a hold of that sample diet in "UNofficial "how to bulk" and sample diet..." post. You can adjust it here and there, substitute things with others like grapenuts for oats and what not.

    Also, there are many ways to cook the food so it's not an everyday, bland eat. Go check out the "Recipes" forum at the top of this Diet section as well. Like, tuna can be made into a tuna patty which tastes phenomenal compared to plain tuna and mayo.

    Take your multivitamins and flaxseed oils everyday as multivitamins are self-explanitory and flaxseed oil has your 0mega-3, 6, and 9 in it which is great for your heart and blood circulation. You can find both at Wal-Mart too. I take Centrum multi vit. and a flaxseed oil tab, which calls for 3 a day and costs around 8 bucks for 300 tabs.

    The sample diet is a great building block and remember to listen to everything everyone has to offer on here.

    If you have self-discipline, you'll do great, man. Welcome to the forums.

    I'm new too and I have basically the same problem you do.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post

    According to this site your BMR is around 3,000. That means, if you're eating 3,000 calories per day you will stay the same weight. Try to eat 500-1000 more than that to gain weight at an efficient rate. If you can't gain weight, you're not eating enough, simple biology.

    Break this amount up into 6-7 meals, including a postworkout shake that includes 50g protein and 100g carbs (maltodextrin+dextrose is a good combo)

    1g protein = 4 kcal
    1g carbs = 4 kcal
    1g fats = 9 kcal

    If you take supplements, or steroids, with a diet insufficient in nutrients and calories, you're wasting your money plain and simple.

    Ok how did u get 3000 BMR. i entered his stats i got 2035. weird......

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by randy6969 View Post
    Ok how did u get 3000 BMR. i entered his stats i got 2035. weird......
    The number you have is for resting metabolic rate... it needs to get multiplied by an activity factor (usually 1.55 for moderately active people) to account for calories expended during the day.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    The number you have is for resting metabolic rate... it needs to get multiplied by an activity factor (usually 1.55 for moderately active people) to account for calories expended during the day.

    Oh ok thank you so much for clarifying that.

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