ok so i take my PreWO, wait about 60min. before i go the gym, i go to the gym for about 1:15min, then go jogging for about 15min. after that and then i drink my PWO..... but omg..... after guzzling down that blender full of mixed stuff, then another hour later i do it again !!! i can fit anything else in my stomach after my PWO, since to my understanding you should have a good meal 1hr after your PWO, but goddamn! im like about to explode!! i have to much fluid/liquid in my stomach, how do you guys do it?!
am i doing something wrong? am i supposed to be hungry after my PWO? am i using to much water? i dont wanna drink cement, so i use a good amount of water to make it drinkable, but maaaan..... how can i eat my 6th meal when im already about to explode from my PreWO and my PWO?
is this normal? am i doing something wrong? or does this happen to everyone? thanks alot in advance guys !!!