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Thread: PreWO, PWO, THEN another meal?!?! ugh....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007
    H-Town Baby!

    PreWO, PWO, THEN another meal?!?! ugh....

    ok so i take my PreWO, wait about 60min. before i go the gym, i go to the gym for about 1:15min, then go jogging for about 15min. after that and then i drink my PWO..... but omg..... after guzzling down that blender full of mixed stuff, then another hour later i do it again !!! i can fit anything else in my stomach after my PWO, since to my understanding you should have a good meal 1hr after your PWO, but goddamn! im like about to explode!! i have to much fluid/liquid in my stomach, how do you guys do it?!

    am i doing something wrong? am i supposed to be hungry after my PWO? am i using to much water? i dont wanna drink cement, so i use a good amount of water to make it drinkable, but maaaan..... how can i eat my 6th meal when im already about to explode from my PreWO and my PWO?

    is this normal? am i doing something wrong? or does this happen to everyone? thanks alot in advance guys !!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    H-Town Baby!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    In my house
    Yea, I have a feeling you are doing something wrong. It sounds like you eat too much pre and post workout. eating a lot all at once isn't good.

    I remember you are cutting. I would just recommend whey powder mixed in water before and after. Save the dextrose and whatever for your bulk. Then you should be ready for a good solid meal.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    Instead of a preWO shake/meal 60 min before, I have a proper meal two hrs time for the food to settle down and be in the process of digestion. Ditch the dextrose, use oats for PWO and you can wait up to 90 minutes for your PPWO. You'll feel less congested that way.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane View Post
    Instead of a preWO shake/meal 60 min before, I have a proper meal two hrs time for the food to settle down and be in the process of digestion. Ditch the dextrose, use oats for PWO and you can wait up to 90 minutes for your PPWO. You'll feel less congested that way.
    DOn't ditch the dextrose and use slow digesting...what exactly are you using prewo, pwo shake, etc....????

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    H-Town Baby!
    ok one thing i can agree on is the wait for 90min. that sounds good to me, i usually wait 45min before i workout with my PreWO. then right after i dont use oats, i need fast digestin carbs (malto) and insulin spike (dex) so im stickin with that

    as for the water amount, keep in mind, i dont want to chug a cement mix, i use the required water to make it drinkable

    so far all i found is that i can wait 90min before i work out, maybe that can help a bit.

    any other tips?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    H-Town Baby!

    3/4 cup of oats (36g)
    2 scoops of whey (44g)
    5g glutamine
    5g creatine
    5g BCAA


    40g dex
    40g malto
    44g of whey
    5g creatine
    5g BCAA

    after this, im bloated !! that is tooooo much fluid in my stomach!! not to mention the chugging of water DURING my workout

    how can you guys eat a meal 30-45min after your PWO?! im like ready to throw up !!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    In my house
    who said 30 to 45? 60 to 90 is more about right in my opinion. If it's still in your stomach, you don't need more yet. If it is in your stomach a long time you probably ate too much.

    Whey is LOADED with BCAA's, you don't need a separate supplement. Creatine should just be 5 grams after. The studies I have seen showed no additional benefit of taking more than 1 serving a day. It proved true in my case as well. The sugars are really for a bulk. The oats are a little heavy for right before your work out. If you need some carbs just eat an orange or something like that.

    But I know how it is. It can be confusing. There is a lot of conflicting crap to sift through.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The Nut House
    Quote Originally Posted by sonnygll View Post
    But I know how it is. It can be confusing. There is a lot of conflicting crap to sift through.
    AMEN to that!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    H-Town Baby!
    eat fruit for my PWO?!?! i dont want to spike my insulin just yet!?! are you sure about this?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    I dont see why you cant stomach food after having a shake. But anyways if thats your deal than thats your deal and if you seriously are going to throw up well than simply dont eat. We cant really help you with that aspect of it to be honest.

    But oats are great in the meal before your workout. I would say putting some fruit in with the oats is good. I use jam personally. But a purely fruit based carb source pre workout wouldnt be your best bet since fructose will fill liver glycogen and not muscle glycogen. You want to do a little of both.

  12. #12
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Slaiv View Post
    eat fruit for my PWO?!?! i dont want to spike my insulin just yet!?! are you sure about this?
    why dont you wanna spike your insulin right after workout??

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    H-Town Baby!
    lol, i meant eat fruit for my PreWO, im sorry, thats what i meant, PREWO, not PWO :-P

    and its not that ill throw up, i mean, im soooo full off luids after the gym that when i go jogging for 15min, i regurgetate some of it, yuck! it taste like chocolate throw up and then i go inside and drink another blender of more fluids......

    but so far with the 90min wait PreWO and 60-90min wait PWO, i think that hsould give me time to digest my liquids more intime for my real meal

    ill try this method first, thanks!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    But oats are great in the meal before your workout. I would say putting some fruit in with the oats is good. I use jam personally. But a purely fruit based carb source pre workout wouldnt be your best bet since fructose will fill liver glycogen and not muscle glycogen. You want to do a little of both.[/QUOTE]

    The best fruit for carb choice is a banana. Over 60% of the sugars in them are glucose.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    H-Town Baby!
    ok i JUST took my PreWO shake

    40g pro
    40g carb
    5g gluta
    5g creat
    5g BCAA

    chugged it, and now im going to wait 75min before i head out to the gym. i usually wait 45min, but im going to try it this way since you guys recommend i wait a bit longer so my food can be digested

    ill post back in another 2hrs and tell you how i feel....

    btw... i do drink alot of water at the gym, thats very important. but like i said, im going to wait 75min this time instead of 45min like i used to...

    hope this way works....

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