What should I look for in their nutrition facts that I should stay away from?
Like, what kinds of fats and what not?
What should I look for in their nutrition facts that I should stay away from?
Like, what kinds of fats and what not?
stay away from sodium and "ready to eat meals" like tv dinners and basically anything you put in the microwave
Alright thanks guys.
Now, I notice in tuna it has 210mg of sodium. Should I stay away from this tuna and look for one without the sodium or is 210mg ok?
210mg is nothing. I think the RDA is 1500mg.
Ok - great. Thanks.
Can I substitute oatmeal in the mornings with a bowl of Raisin Bran?
I'm sorry if I'm asking way too much questions. I just read of FitDay and they have similar Nutr. Facts.
Last edited by dupminxhere; 11-06-2007 at 03:10 PM.
I'd concentrate more on staying away from sugar/HFC, white flour type products and other processed junk food. Make sure you get enough polyunsaturated fats and 0mega 3's. Transfats are the only fat to really avoid. The problems people run into with fat is all about the ratios. Many people eat a combination of processed carbs, transfat, and get little to no poly or 0mega 3. THAT is where the heart problems happen, not from eating saturated fat. And sodium..... well it seems it is the 80's all over again.
Ok - I'll hit the store tomorrow to check that out. Thanks. I got flaxseed oil and I notice it has its *****-3 in it along with 6 and 9.
Thanks, Sonny.
OK - great. Guess what I'm gonna say next..
Ok - I notice just about everything has sodium in it. I'll take it's amounts into consideration for this plan.
Well, I just bought two boxes of the grape-nuts cereal : I hope that's fine
Oh, I bought whole grain oatmeal and whole wheat bread. I have mainly everything for my diet now - next paycheck I'll get my whey protein and my creatine as I'm almost out.
By the way, you might want some splenda for the grapenuts. It's a little mild.
hey saturated isnt bad !!!
at least not in coconut oil, it is FULL of MCT's (muscle growth) and its delicious!!
but what are you doing, cutting or lean bulking?
Lean bulk - and sonny - I just sat down and read your post while taking my first bite of this grapenut, lmao. Yeah, I'll go get some Splenda tomorrow. I can use Splenda the same as Dextrose right?
Yeah - Slaiv, can't wait to get this diet and work out routine started and going smooth!
i cook everything in coconut oil now !!!
for my second to last meal though, ill cook some egg whites, tilapia, chicken, i mean anything that can be cooked in oil i use coconut oil !!!
its soooooo good !!! and its RICH in MCT's !!!!
here are some coconut oil facts !!
What Coconut Oil Helps With?
- Reduces risk of arteriosclerosis and related illnesses
- Helps prevent bacterial, viral, and fungal (including yeast) infections
- Supports immune system function
- Helps prevent osteoporosis
- Helps control diabetes
- Helps control hypoglycemia
- Promotes weight loss
- Know to increase metabolism by 25%
- Supports healthy metabolic function
- Provides an immediate source of energy
- Supplies important nutrients necessary for good health
- Improves digestion and nutrient absorption
- Is heat resistant (the healthiest oil for cooking)
- Helps keep skin soft and smooth
- Helps prevent premature aging and wrinkling of the skin
- Helps protect skin and other blemishes
I love all of coconut oils perks - this may sound dumb but does it taste like coconuts? Lolz. Also, it says it increases metabolism. I'm 142lbs with a hiiiigh metabolism and I'm trying to fight it and gain mass/weight. Would that oil effect me gaining weight?
If not, I'll go buy some and give it a try!
No Splenda is a very low calorie, low carb sweetener that has very little impact on blood sugar and insulin. Dextrose is a simple sugar used for spiking insulin post workout. So use splenda to make something sweet. Use dextrose PWO. By the way, splenda is the one sweetener that doesn't break down with heat, so you can cook with it.
Awesome info, sonny. Thanks, I'll keep all that in mind.
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