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  1. #1
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    What's up with splenda?

    This chik today tells me that it's said to cause cancer or some stupid bullshit like that is this true?If it is my oats will suffer a great deal and that aint cool cause oats are about the sweetest thing in my diet and my favorite meal of the day.

  2. #2
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    not splenda, I think they are talking about equal or something. It has saccharin in it, and there has been shady evidence that it causes cancer in mice...

    "Many studies have since been performed on saccharin, some showing a correlation between saccharin consumption and increased frequency of cancer (especially bladder cancer) and others finding no such correlation. No study has ever shown a clear causal relationship between saccharin consumption and health risks in humans at normal doses, though some studies have shown a correlation between consumption and cancer incidence.[11] Furthermore, the biological mechanism believed to be responsible for the rat cancers has been shown to be inapplicable to humans because of differences in urine composition between rats and humans. Many of the rat cancers may have been caused by contamination from the rubber plungers inside syringes[12]., the rubber seals used may corrode when mixed with certain fluids and the decomposed rubber may have caused the bad results[13]. Others blame certain types of rats like the Fischer 344 Rat which became a poor example specimen for testing cancers when it was found out that these laboratory animals developed cancer spontaneously, when injected with pure water only.[14]"
    Last edited by Dizz28; 11-07-2007 at 02:34 PM.

  3. #3
    cache49's Avatar
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    Im not an expert on this matter, but i call BS. Splenda, or sucralose, is my best friend. Many of the items in my diet are sweetened with splenda. A couple of girl friends of mine are trainer/ dieticians(sp?) and they say nothing but good. Just my opinion.

  4. #4
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    not splenda, I think they are talking about equal or something. It has saccharin in it, and there has been shady evidence that it causes cancer in mice...

    "Many studies have since been performed on saccharin, some showing a correlation between saccharin consumption and increased frequency of cancer (especially bladder cancer) and others finding no such correlation. No study has ever shown a clear causal relationship between saccharin consumption and health risks in humans at normal doses, though some studies have shown a correlation between consumption and cancer incidence.[11] Furthermore, the biological mechanism believed to be responsible for the rat cancers has been shown to be inapplicable to humans because of differences in urine composition between rats and humans. Many of the rat cancers may have been caused by contamination from the rubber plungers inside syringes[12]., the rubber seals used may corrode when mixed with certain fluids and the decomposed rubber may have caused the bad results[13]. Others blame certain types of rats like the Fischer 344 Rat which became a poor example specimen for testing cancers when it was found out that these laboratory animals developed cancer spontaneously, when injected with pure water only.[14]"
    Goog find thanks buddy.My killer oats will rain on

  5. #5
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    I know there hasn't been any debate, yet..., about the safety of Splenda so you should be fine with it. I personally love it. I get the Diet Arazona iced teas and they are made with Splenda. IMO it takes better than the sugar laced ones.

    And as you can see about the other sweeteners, not much evidence to prove they cause cancers in humans.

    your oats are
    Last edited by Dizz28; 11-07-2007 at 02:35 PM.

  6. #6
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dedic8ed1 View Post
    This chik today tells me that it's said to cause cancer or some stupid bullshit like that is this true?If it is my oats will suffer a great deal and that aint cool cause oats are about the sweetest thing in my diet and my favorite meal of the day.
    Thats when I stop listening...

  7. #7
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    Thats when I stop listening...
    hahaha, that's funny.

  8. #8
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Splenda is just a tweaked sugar molecule... She's referring to aspartame most likely

  9. #9
    sonnygll's Avatar
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    She could be thinking of saccharin or aspartame. There are no urban legends and such about splenda as far as I know. The antisweetner nutjobs could start in on though. However it's all BS.

    Aspartame is the most ridiculous one. It is a plain old urban legend with no basis in fact. Look it up on There were lots of chain mails going around from some wacko. Yet the experst on every problem it is said to cause all say there is no evidence to support. All studies showed no problems with cancer or anything else.

    Now saccharin, actually has a small grain of truth to it. There WAS a study done where rats did get cancer from it. It was then pulled from the market. However it was then discovered that the rats were given huge amounts of it. So much, that a human would have to drink 40 CASES of saccharin sweetened diet soda per day to equal it. If I am not mistaken it is back on the market now.

    I would attribute part of the cause of all the sweetener BS to the sugar industry. Although really they can use their crop for bio-fuel, so they should really go that way with it. It would be much smarter.

    The rest of the BS can be attributed to the one of the main psychological reasons people invent BS stories to start with. That is the belief that pleasure has to come at a price, and that foregoing such pleasures gives you some sort of benefit, such as health. This come from puritanical beliefs stemming mostly from 18th century Christianity, which has persisted at least to a point, to this very day. For example, quiet vacuum cleaners were invented in the 1950's but did poorly in the market because people believed they did not clean as well. People are also likely to believe that the worse a medicine tastes the better it is. There is the demonization of sex for pleasure, masturbation, porn and so on. And with health it is thought you must give up all pleasure in eating to be healthy and that you can never have sweetness without risk to health. So since they are not making you fat like sugar, this goes against the deeply ingrained psychological beliefs of many. This paradox triggers an effect called cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is when thoughts conflict with each other. The mind can't deal with this conflict. So it invents beliefs and ideas to "fix" the problem. Therefore since the sweetener does not make you fat, it must cause various illnesses. So people invent these stories.

    Some people report headaches and other little problems, but only if they already believe the sweetener is bad for them. This can be attributed to psychosomatic phenomenon. Which simply means that people strongly believe they will get a certain problem, and thus create it. This is proven by having the same things reported in the placebo group.

    The moral is, take what people say with a grain of salt until you see proper scientific research, with proper control and variable groups. And no use of junk techniques, like cherry picking and such.

  10. #10
    Consistency's Avatar
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    It seems like almost anything can cause cancer... everytime I turn on the news they are talking about how some "study proved that this and this can cause cancer and too much of this is bad for you" blah blah blah

  11. #11
    Prada's Avatar
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    Both Splenda(sucralose) and aspartame I have yet to see a significant study stating it causes cancer in humans.

  12. #12
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    Thats when I stop listening...
    Aww man your so rite lol.

  13. #13
    CAT1's Avatar
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    isnt splenda or sucralose made from sugar.?

  14. #14
    sonnygll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency View Post
    It seems like almost anything can cause cancer... everytime I turn on the news they are talking about how some "study proved that this and this can cause cancer and too much of this is bad for you" blah blah blah
    They just discovered steroid use and posting in message boards causes cancer!

    And yes, Cat, Splenda is made form sugar.

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