The liver stores Glucose as glycogen and if so, what would cause the release of that particular glycogen store to be released into the bloodstream? Just curious b/c ever since I have been eating a bedtime meal such as 1cup cottage cheese with 2tbls of natty pb I see that my glucose rises on waking. I'm assuming this might have to do with the process of gluconeogenesis which converts protein into glucose.
What I'm thinking is that the nightime snack is partially converted to gluclose by the liver(?) then stored as glycogen and maybe released at night which can increase blood glucose levels causing slin to be released by the body? (not in my case since I would adjust basal rates of slin pump which im doing)
When I asked my endo about this topic he didn't really seem to have much of a suggestion or, info pertaining to it other then "Don't eat protein before bed"
Any point in the right direction would be appreciated...just trying to get a little feedback and/or possibly some information pertaining to why a protein snack would raise blood glucose levels.