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Thread: Help with Diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Help with Diet

    I need some help with my diet, I'm not losing weight anymore and I'm not sure what to do. I workout 5 days a week with a trainer for 30 min and then I goto the gym and workout for 30 more minutes myself and then run for 45 min. I tried switching cardio machines, etc... Just not seeing results, my stats are:

    160 pounds
    12% body fat
    23 years old
    Working out for almost a year

    and here is my diet:

    Meal 1:
    Wheat Bread, 1 slice
    300 calories, 2.2g fat, 37g carbs, 30g protein

    Meal 2:
    South beach protein bar
    Salad with light dressing
    Amino caps
    285 cals, 11.8 fat, 35 carbs, 17g protein

    Meal 3 (before workout):
    192 cals, 1.2g fat, 22.1 cabs, 24.4 protein

    Meal 4 (Post workout):

    Meal 5:
    Piece of chicken

    Meal 4 + 5: (used to have these together, I broke them up)
    477 cals, 15 fat, 45.1 carbs, 46.3 protein

    Meal 6:
    120 cals, 1 fat, 3 carbs, 24g protein


    1374 calories
    31.2g fat
    142.3g carbs
    141.6g protein

    Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    bro, all your protein is coming from shakes and 1 protein bar and your carbs are coming from fruit. drop the shakes and fruit and use chicken, ground turkey breast, salmon or ruffy, and atleast 93% lean ground sirloin for protein and for carbs eat oats in morning and brown rice, yams or red skin potatos through the day. also read up on *****'s for fats( it takes fat to burn fat). cardio 1st thing upon wakining on empty stomach and or after workout. good luck bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club

    Holy cow! Bro youre not losing weight anymore because your body has eatin all its muscle and youre left with nothing. At 160lbs, a good clean diet and training should leave you ripped to the core. You're also overtraining.

    You need to go back to basics on everything. You need to get your protein from real foods like chicken, fish, beef, eggs...and get your carbs from oatmeal, rice, sweet taters...and your fats from flax seed oil, almonds, olive oil...

    Also, your caloric intake is WAY too low. You just might continue to lose weight (even though your body is in 100% starvation mode right now) but you'll look exaclty the same just smaller..

    Read all the stickies and diet plans around here, youll see huge progress in no time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    How much would I raise the calories?

    So would it be OK if I did protein shake with oatmeal for breakfast, then replace the other shakes with lean meat? My salad dressing has olive oil in it and I take EFAs in the morning and night, is that not enough? I'll also change my fruit to red potatoes and brown rice.

    Forgot the mention, I'm using 50mg var daily. I'll cut down the training, but do I have to worry about losing muscle from running too much if I increase running, even though I'm on var?

    Thanks guys

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    how much var are you running and is that the only thing you're on? also are you taking any thermo's or anything to burn fat?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Holy shit say bye bye to muscle with that diet

    You should be eating AT LEAST 240g protein per day at your weight

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ricker35910 View Post
    how much var are you running and is that the only thing you're on? also are you taking any thermo's or anything to burn fat?
    50mg a day, I just threw in some transdermal test a couple days ago which was recommended to me by my cousin (a pharmacist). He said it would keep my metabolism from dipping too low and losing too much muscle, I didnt ask the dose. I'm thinking about running some DNP for a week or two before the holidays, not sure if I want to do it again because I hate the feeling of it when I'm on it and I dont lose as much weight as other people. I get warm and uncomfortable at like 600mg (200mg, 3x daily), but I dont get to the point where I have to sit in front of a fan and my thermometer temperature does not increase about normal body temperature at that dose. I'm debating if I should use a higher dose this time around.
    Last edited by aolsux00; 12-11-2007 at 02:20 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    Holy shit say bye bye to muscle with that diet

    You should be eating AT LEAST 240g protein per day at your weight
    Its gunna be kind of difficult since I'm not home that often and everyone says dont take so many shakes and eat real meat, but I'm going to try.

  9. #9
    So you wanna learn how to diet??

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