I am 6'1" and 185lb or so.

Saw a article on bodybuilding.com about bulking up for the winter. It had a sample for a 200lb guy with a high metabolism. So I tweeked the number for me (185-190lb) with a high metabolism.

Here is what I got...

Low Carb day: 180g carbs, 320g protein, 200g+ Fats (Two OFF training day)
Moderate Carb day: 360g carbs, 270g protein, 150g+ Fats (Chest/Tri day) (Shoulders/Traps day)

High Carb day: 540g carbs, 270g protein, 90g Fats (Leg day) (Back/Bi Day)
Very High Carb day: 650g+ carbs, 200g protein, 50g Fats (Cheat/Eat Day)

How does that look?
Seems like high carbs, but I guess that is what is needed to gain the weight before I do a cut in 2-3 months or so for the summer.

Besides weight gainer shakes what could I add in to help me reach those carb numbers and protein? (oats, etc???)
Fat will be easy, with nuts, peanut butter, steak, flax oil.

Thanks in advance