What is your best/ favorite source of protien? Could be anything..meat, eggs, protein powders, etc. Though I include them all in my daily intake, I would have to say that meat makes up the bulk of my protein intake and is my favorite. Whats yours?
What is your best/ favorite source of protien? Could be anything..meat, eggs, protein powders, etc. Though I include them all in my daily intake, I would have to say that meat makes up the bulk of my protein intake and is my favorite. Whats yours?
I don't really have a favorite, I only make sure all my meals contain a different source of Protein.
With that said, I always look forward to my shake (Syntha-6).
***No source checks!!!***
lol, yeah syntha six is good! Good taste and great protein supp! I usually siwtch up my protein every meal too. Usually the only constant with every meal is meat..usually meat..sometimes beef. Along with meat I will sometimes have eggs (breakfast), cheese and milk, a combination of incompletes to mkae completes (proteins) ((rice, beans, seeds, veggies, etc.)) and then there are the protein shakes!
2% cottage cheese, i try to eat it at least 3 times a day. not the best tasting though. london broil wound be my 2nd and best tasting.
Ground Bison
Oh i meant chicken and beef, not meat and beef! My fault. And as incomplete proteins I am talking about the IPs I listed : beans, rice, veggies, etc.
Chicken or steak on the grill
I love a perfectly grilled ribeye (mmmm....fatty).
groung tukey by far the best. endless options, tons of protein,less fat
I got burnt out on the tuna/salmon/tilapia routine a good while back. Then I bought some orange roughy. It was in the freezer section of the seafood department.
I generally cook it in a nonstick skillet with a generous dusting of pepper. The flavor is very mild (kind of like grouper).
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Here is a list of the BEST! I challenge ANYONE to beat this!
1. You want to get your meat from U.S. Wellness Meats, look them up on the net. Their cows are organic grass feed beef, what does that mean to a body builder, very good ohmega 3 and over all, just much better for building muscle. Many of the top fitness models buy their meat from U.S. Wellness meats. The stuff at the store is garbage! And over priced Garbage. That meat is grain fed with tons of crap in it, literally! And the U.S. Wellness Meats really don't cost all that much more for a much better quality of beef, they have other meats too. Usually for Chicken and Fish I just buy those at Whole Foods.
2. Protein Powder - There are three companies
I. Designs for Health - Their protein power is amazing, but expensive. It is made from organic grass fed cows too.
II. Jay Robb has a very good one, similar to Designs for Health and much less expensive.
III. There is another one I am looking into now, Nutraxis. You have to buy in bulk though. I am still checking it out.
Also, Whole Foods usually makes fresh home made sausages every morning, you can buy them in the meat dept. Get a George Forman Grill and you are in business.
Last edited by hardjockmeat; 01-02-2008 at 04:32 PM. Reason: typo
I did some more checking on the Nutraxis, it look really good, it is called GSH Complex.
nice piece of Alaskan Salmon, cooked with some Franks Red Hot and a lil olive oil.
II. Jay Robb has a very good one, similar to Designs for Health and much less expensive.
Has anyone noticed the price of Jay Robb's Whey Protein 5 pound tub skyrocketed 30% from $108 to $137!?!? WTF...I liked Jay Robb not necessarily for taste, but for the natural Stevia used as the sweetener, and it comes from grass fed cows NOT treated with the rGBH hormone. With that price jump, I'll go right back to Muscle Provider by Beverly Nutrition (uses Sucralose and the cows are probably injected with hormones and not grass fed, ohh well...it sure does taste better than Jay Robb though)
Peace all...
P.S. Make sure to not overtrain![]()
Well when you talk about hard facts got to be liquid egg whites.They provide the only form of protein which is absorbed instantly by your body (i.e. 100% Bio-Available) & it is also 100% natural protein. Other high protein foods like: chicken, fish, beef, and turkey, must first be broken down by your body before the proteins can be truely absorbed. The same holds true for protein powders (whey protein, milk protein etc) and engineered food & drinks. The truth is your body is only consuming about 1/3 of the actual protein of these items - the rest is wasted!
When food scientists & experts create foods, drinks, and meal replacement bars with protein, it is egg whites that is recognised as the highest standard for which all other proteins are compared to and try to copy. Another key point about Egg Whites is they have NO fat, NO cholesterol, and NO trans fats (bad fats)! Some people drink beer all day this is my drink.
good info goose....do you actually drink your egg whites? how do you prepare it prior?
I crack open 6 egg whites in the blender with some berries, water, small banana, flax seed oil and a scoop of protein, tastes amazing, I have it for breakfast.
Eggs whites are my favorite too.
Protein shakes are very poor,dont use them at all.You want me to pay big bucks for names like cell tech? nigga please.....Liquid aminos are the best for PWO,instant to your body,egg whites too,but I like to mix and use liquid aminos PWO.Real food is the best way method for protein,the human body has not evolved for things like shakes. my protein/carb in take is consistent with every meal. Meaning I eat the same quantities of protein at every meal, but at times alter my carb in take later in the day. But carbs are identical to meal 1-2 -3 ect. No adding extra amounts post work out. Why? How much protein and carbs do you think your body can process at a time regardless whether you finished training or not? You'll digest at the same rate, but after training, carbs/ protein will be utilized more. That's it.what I love about liquid egg whites that its cheap (no big names) one litre bottle is 32 egg whites.
It is completely safe to drink or cook Liquid Egg Whites raw as they have been salmonella tested,im sure the states will be the same,Drinking normal eggs raw is useless due to avidin content but this is neutralised by the heat treatment in Liquid Egg Whites.I drink about half a bottle per day,the taste takes a few days to get use to but its real smooth.
Last edited by goose; 04-17-2008 at 09:40 AM.
does natural peanut butter and whey count. the combo is killer.
I think my post was clear,I had some real mean ASS last nite and have only been eating fish for the last 3 weeks,so I feel twisted,Lets see.......
Thanks to popular movies such as Rocky , people have a notion that drinking raw eggs provides the maximum benefits of nutrients , which isn’t really the case at all,still a great movie bro,I wantch it with my bitch holding hands. Let’s take an inside look and see why… Not only will you get less protein by eating it raw , but you will develope a biotin deficiency (dude I dont want that) Risk of getting salmonella are 99.9% more higher eating raw eggs than eating cooked eggs..To break things down. Eating raw eggs will only get you 30% - 40% of the protein while cooked delivers 90% of the protein. Which means one cooked egg you eat contains more protein than 2 raw eggs. You do the math.Another thing you should know is biotin. There’s a protein in egg whites called avidin that binds to biotin (a type of vitamin B) , making it useless to the body. Now when you cook eggs, the avidin is deactivated. If you eat egg whites raw, it’s pretty much guaranteed that you will develop a biotin deficiency,now liquid egg whites that you buy,this does not apply.......
Last edited by goose; 04-17-2008 at 10:11 AM.
what are your thoughts on dried egg whites as well?
such as these: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/rose/egg.html
better source in comparison to whey, etc? thinking in terms of PWO drink
dude,that looks insane!!!!!!!!!!
have never seen that in the UK,its a damm shame but us UK boys gets taxed big time if we buy supps from the states,so are choices are limited to you guys (smaller market) so I dont have the pleasure to scope things like this.That looks amazing!!!
Now with liquid amino is absorbed extremely quickly making it ideal for after a workout helps the damage with your muscle, but not at any other time of the day because after roughly 2 hours you're out of protein.
Casein on the other hand is absorbed very slowly, so it's the perfect solution for any other time of the day. Right? Wrong. Well, not entirely, as it is very useful but is not very bio available, so is not all absorbed.
Now dried egg whites is the answer, the perfect compromise; a protein that doesn't act too fast, but not too slowly either, and one that is very well absorbed.It is absorbed over 3-4 hours and with great effect.I want to see them pics? we can swap ??
thanks bud....gonna pick some up and come up with some creative shakes haha
another reason to come visit the US again![]()
were can i buy liquid egg whites im from uk cant find them in shops do you order them online mate
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