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Thread: can a diet plateau...???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    can a diet plateau...???

    other wise,

    can ones diet become amuned to there body and stop producing results,or will it continue to be the same forever?

    my thoughts:

    i'v been doing pretty good in the b/f game,losing more then half of it in about 1 year,is it just me or...

    is it getting harder to get results (lose more b/f) im around 11.5 now,could it be it's just that hard to get into single digets and takes more time to lose the last of it?

    i have no problem with this taking another year or two but just wanted to know if im waisting my time with the same things over and over again

    any help would be great,thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    diets not perfect,i try my best and it seems to be working great

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    IMHO when you hit single digits its all in the diet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    in the gym
    It absoultly can,In my experience with dieting it's a good practice to change up your basic diet outline from time to time.For example your high carb day,when you bring your carb levels up a little bit it puts your metabolism into overdrive and gives your body the feeling that the diets over thus your body can start the process of the diet all over again.This is why a cheat day is so important cause like your muscles your body can get used to the same foods over and over again.

    Test this method all week long only take in 1 cup of oats as your carbs for the day in the morning plus your PWO carbs then the following week ad just 1 cup of brown rice with your next meal of the day and watch how your muscles react to it.And as long as you burn the extra calories off your adding to your diet you'll still burn fat.Remember it's better to burn calories then to lower them.

    I try to use different carbs while cycling carbs for this exact reason always keeping the body guessing will keep your metabolism running top speed.
    Last edited by dedic8ed1; 12-23-2007 at 10:01 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    thanks,any other input

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by eddy tye View Post
    thanks,any other input
    Simply put my friend when you put your body into a reduced caloric state in an attempt to loose fat your body has a reaction.... it reduces your thyroid hormone thus making your body more efficient and burning that fuel and storing it as fat.... basically dropping your BMR by reducing thyroid... 2 ways you can over come this.... eight by huge insulin response which requires supplimenting with dextrose at high doses a couple times a week placing you in a caloric surplus for say 2 days out of the week in a carb cycle enviornment or simply supplimenting with 25-50mg(generally accepted is that 12.5-25mg of T3 is a thyroid replacment dose where as 50 would increase muscle loss but also increase fat loss) of T3 ED will keep your metabolism trucking at non dieting levels no matter how low you bring your calories....

    If you do decide to include T3 keep the dosage in the presuggested range unless your are on cycle...(then you can get away with alot more) and make sure you stay well hydrated...

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