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Thread: bulking diet please critique

  1. #1

    bulking diet please critique

    5 11 190 hard gainer
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    Last edited by slmcook28; 01-06-2008 at 05:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Looks like a good start, but some changes could be made for sure.

    Only problem is you don't have 'per meal' totals. If you could add those I could give it a better look.

    Looking at the daily totals, you better be a hard gainer from hell or you might see some fat.

  3. #3
    I am so glad I ran across this thread, I am a hard gainer myself, and have trouble taking down full meals 8 times a day. This seems perfect for me, and I don't get sick just thinking about everything I have to eat.

  4. #4
    cool cool. anyone got an alternative to tuna? I like tuna but it makes my stomach do backflips when i eat it.

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