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  1. #1
    SdiZZle's Avatar
    SdiZZle is offline Associate Member
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    Can you guys help me tweak my diet?

    I am trying to do a slow cut, I am running clen and doing 45 min medium int. cardio first thing in the morning before breakfast.

    Heres what I have been doing-

    Kcals Pro Fat Carbs
    Raisin Bran 190 ; 5g ; 1.5g ; 45g
    1/2 cup skim 43 ; 4.2 ; .2 ; 6
    OJ 110 ; 2 ; 0 ; 26
    2scoop Nitro 220 ; 40 ; 3 ; 6
    2 banana 210 ; 2.5 ; .78 ; 53.9
    Total 773 ; 53.7 ; 5.5 ; 137

    Can Tuna 175 ; 32.5 ; 5 ; 0
    mayo 70 ; 0 ; 6 ; 4
    Brown Rice 214 ; 5 ; 1.7 ; 44.4
    Total 459 ; 37.5 ; 12.7 ; 48.4

    Ckn Breast 150 ; 28 ; 3.2 ; 0
    1cup Brocc. 30 ; 2.5 ; .3 ; 5.8
    Total 180 ; 30.5 ; 3.5 ; 5.8

    2sc. Nitotech 220; 40 ; 3 ; 6

    Ckn Breast 150 ; 28 ; 3.2 ; 0
    1cup Brocc. 30 ; 2.5 ; .3 ; 5.8
    Total 180 ; 30.5 ; 3.5 ; 5.8

    Can Tuna 175 ; 32.5 ; 5 ; 0
    mayo 70 ; 0 ; 6 ; 4
    Total 245 ; 32.5 ; 11 ; 4

    Daily Totals 2057Kcal ; 225g protien; 39.2g fat; 207g carbs

    So- it seems my fat is low and my carbs are high. The banana's are for extra potasium as I am running clen and trying to avoid cramps. I could ditch the rice and be around 170g carbs. But do I need to up my fat? And I woud like to keep my cals around 2000 or so.

    5' 6" 184lbs I lift 5 days a week, cardio 6 days. Thanks for your help, hopefully I gave you enough info to help.


  2. #2
    SdiZZle's Avatar
    SdiZZle is offline Associate Member
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    Bump for help

    My own ideas- I could take the protein down to 200g, take the carbs down to 160g, and that would give me kcals to work in some more fat. Help me out here guys, what are good sources of fat, and what macro's should I shoot for?

  3. #3
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    keep protein as high as possible as protein is very very thermogenic.. really helps to ramp up the metabolic rate and prevent catabolism.

    try to keep the caloric content and macros of all meals EVEN i.e. every meal 40g pro/9gF/30gC

    fluctuations are not desired in ones nutrtional intake, consistancy is the key.
    good luck

    for macros i prefer a 45/35/20 p/c/f

  4. #4
    SdiZZle's Avatar
    SdiZZle is offline Associate Member
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    so 225gP 45gF 150gC would be 45/9/30 for the day at least. I will take out the rice and I am pretty much there. I should try to even out my meals huh? That has to be difficult. I eat a big breakfast I know, but thats to jump start the system, and that meal is right after my morning cardio and before my workout. thanks for the ideas tia, keep them coming guys.


  5. #5
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Def. increase your protein intake to about 45% as stated above. Good sources of EFA's are fish oil (I prefer the liquid, instead of the capsules), olive oil, or natural peanut butter. Get that fat percent up to about 30% and watch the fat fall off. Good luck

  6. #6
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by SdiZZle View Post
    so 225gP 45gF 150gC would be 45/9/30 for the day at least. I will take out the rice and I am pretty much there. I should try to even out my meals huh? That has to be difficult. I eat a big breakfast I know, but thats to jump start the system, and that meal is right after my morning cardio and before my workout. thanks for the ideas tia, keep them coming guys.

    that doesnt add up to 100%

  7. #7
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Overall caloric intake is too low, imo. If you add more pro, that should do the trick. Are you on cycle or just clen ?

  8. #8
    SdiZZle's Avatar
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    Tai- 45/9/30 was grams which translates to 53.6/10.7/35.7 percentages. I am not on cycle currently, just running clen and trying to cut up before my next cycle. But looking at the caculator I see my maint. calories are right around 3000, so I guess I should shoot for more like 2500 calories, so- If I add 3 tbsp PB to each of my protien shakes (2) that would add a quick 600kcal, 21g protein, 51g fat, and 9g carbs


    If I ditch the rice, and add in the PB that would put me at
    2443kcal, 240.7g protein, 88.5g fat, 171.5g carbs which is

    48%P/17.7%F/34.3%C - pretty damn close to tai's recommendation, and that would up my fat and cals as well. What do you dudes think?


  9. #9
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SdiZZle View Post
    48%P/17.7%F/34.3%C - pretty damn close to tai's recommendation, and that would up my fat and cals as well. What do you dudes think?

    percentages look good

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