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  1. #1
    boDAWG's Avatar
    boDAWG is offline Member
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    clean bulking diet, please please look into it and let me know what you think........

    6'1''/251lbs/17%/20 yrs old

    ALSO running a test e 500mg a week cycle

    so as of right now here is what im doing with my diet

    7:30am BREAKFAST
    6-10 egg whites
    slice of green pepper
    slice of red onion
    6oz chicken breast
    cup of oats (cooked)
    2 slices of whole wheat bread

    this meal contains roughly 80g of protein, 78g of carbs, 12g of fat

    ON protein shake (2 scoops)
    can of tuna in water (drained)

    this meal = 90g of protein, 6g of carbs, 4g of fat

    chicken breast 6oz
    2 hard boiled eggs (whites only)

    this meal = 56g of protein, 0g of carbs, 6g of fat

    can of tuna (drained)
    1 egg (white only)

    this meal = 45g of protein, 1.5g of carb, 0g of fat

    7oz steak very lean
    3oz of a baked potatoe
    3 boiled eggs (whites only)

    this meal = 60g of protein, 18g of carbs, 10g of fat

    6:00pm workout
    till 7:30pm

    ON shake
    creatine 5g

    this meal = 50g of protein, 5g of carbs, 3g of fat

    lean cut steak

    this meal = 50g of protein, 0g of carbs, 10g of fat

    so total today i had 7 meals its hard to eat this much because i was not hungry anymore after the 3rd meal but i just kinda made myself do it, i gotta make this an every day routine


    PROTEIN: 431g of protein
    CARBS: 108.5g of carbs
    FAT: 45g of fat

    my goal was 500g of protein, no more than 150g of carbs, and less than 100g of fat

    im a lil under on my protein intake but thats alright its still not bad, oh and calories im not concerned about at all
    Last edited by boDAWG; 01-28-2008 at 09:59 PM. Reason: added stats

  2. #2
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You need to be concerned about calories as well! Count up the calories and add it to your post. Your protein intake looks good. You def need some post workout carbs, I would add roughly 50-60 high and low glycemic carbs to your post workout meal. Also the meal gap between 1:00 and 5:30 (4-1/2 hour gap) will put your body into a catabolic state...I wouldn't go more than 2-1/2 hours without eating. I would also add some EFA's like olive oil and fish oil into your meals (breakfast and last meal of the day). The diet looks pretty good just need to make some slight adjustments

  3. #3
    novastepp's Avatar
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    totally depends on what you want to do with the diet. what are your goals?

    generally you need to add carbs before and after your workouts.

  4. #4
    green22's Avatar
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    if ya cuttin then I can see it but you said bulk so I think ya need way more carbs. you gonna be weak as crap on that diet you have. I dont like it

  5. #5
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    i forgot to add that im taking flaxseed oil 3 time a day, and im trying to put on muscle but lose some fat in the process, what do you think how many carbs should i stay under? because right now my goal is to stay under 100g of carbs but i might bump that to about 200g of carbs maybe even 300g what do you think is a safe number?

  6. #6
    green22's Avatar
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    I would say around 300. If your not loosing fat then you can slowly drop them, but if your busting ass with the weights and cardio then you should still loose. Are you doing cardio???if so how much???

  7. #7
    naturalsux's Avatar
    naturalsux is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boDAWG View Post
    i forgot to add that im taking flaxseed oil 3 time a day, and im trying to put on muscle but lose some fat in the process, what do you think how many carbs should i stay under? because right now my goal is to stay under 100g of carbs but i might bump that to about 200g of carbs maybe even 300g what do you think is a safe number?
    its almost impossible to bulk on 100g of carbs unless your fat is high which it isnt.

    you need to bulk or cut, quit trying to do both! eat some more veggies too.

  8. #8
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    Too much protein in meal 1 and 2. I dont think, even on cycle, your body can process that much in one sitting, maybe postlift, but not in meals 1 and 2...

    Your carbs def need to be higher, I would say that when bulking, even clean bulking (whatever that dumb term thats thrown around too much is supposed to mean, lol) your pro/carb meals should always contain equal or higher grams of carbs than grams of protein, except for meals close to bedtime....

  9. #9
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by naturalsux View Post
    its almost impossible to bulk on 100g of carbs unless your fat is high which it isnt.

    you need to bulk or cut, quit trying to do both! eat some more veggies too.
    many folks do what is called culking, where you try to drop some bf while gaining strength and some mass. long term it is a very beneficial approach. I know IBDMFKR advocates this kind of training. i myself have used it and had great results with dropping body fat and making persistent gains in my workouts.

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