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Thread: ECA/Thermogenics and Daily Caloric Intake

  1. #1

    ECA/Thermogenics and Daily Caloric Intake

    Looking for some guidance.
    I'm 25, 5'11" 215 lbs, muscular but overweight - probably 16%+ body fat, medium/large sized gut, fairly bad love handles, big strong upper body, good size throughout shoulders, neck, arms, chest.

    No sauce.

    Goals: 190lbs solid would be ideal I believe. Like I said, weights on specific lifts is not that important to me right now as a goal, but I'm not just going to drop to 190lb ASAP and sacrifice all my muscle and strength (believe men, I could do that if I wanted to).

    currently supplementing with:
    -ECA once a day in the morning
    -Glutamine, 5mg twice a day
    -Whey, 40g per shake taking 2 shakes per day. (kind of wondering how many per day I should be taking)

    Clean as you want it to be. I've got all the right stuff in the kitchen and as much will power as anyone you've met. V8 in the mornings, Lean red meats, Tuna, oats, egg whites, whole wheat bread/pasta/tortillas, all the clean stuff. The worst thing I'll take in would be beer on the weekends, but I can eliminate that too.

    So, I'm taking ECA daily and it's highly effective as far as energy levels during workout and between workouts. It curbs my appetite to the point where I really have total control at all times.

    Conventional wisdom would say to eat 5-6 meals a day, always taking in a small amont of calories ever couple hours. But I'm not hungry at all. I mean, if I don't eat anything all day, it DOESN'T leave me starving for dinner.

    So, considering ECA does a tremendous job of making me feel like I have plenty of energy, thus I don't feel the need to take any more in, what is the prognosis for my meals?

    Do I:
    1. Force in 5-6 small, clean meals regardless in an attempt to keep my metabolism working fast


    2. Just eat enough to be "not hungry" and go through the day with only about 1,000 calories, all very clean - (most from protein, very few from carbs + fat) and figure that the ECA is giving me a heightened metabolism despite not having many actual meals.

    Any educated opinions are appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    How many mg's of ephedrine does your ECA have in it?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI View Post
    How many mg's of ephedrine does your ECA have in it?
    It's the old Stacker 3. Oudated, but damn effective.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I would eat 5-6 small meals and maybe even up the ECA even though you can still feel it working. I like to take an ECA stack right when I get up at 7am and then once again around noon. I got rid of the 3-4pm ECA stack because it was messing with my sleeping. You need more than 1,000 calories otherwise your body is just going to start storing everything you take in for survival regardless of taking the stack or not.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI View Post
    I would eat 5-6 small meals and maybe even up the ECA even though you can still feel it working. I like to take an ECA stack right when I get up at 7am and then once again around noon. I got rid of the 3-4pm ECA stack because it was messing with my sleeping. You need more than 1,000 calories otherwise your body is just going to start storing everything you take in for survival regardless of taking the stack or not.
    ECA at noon will likely make it hard to sleep for me. I'm not sure if it's worth it.

    I don't know about my body storing for survival dude. If I've still got the jitters and increased heart rate and all from ECA, then I'd figure my body is still using more energy than normal, and it wouldn't have the option to "store for survival."

    you still disagree? Obviously, I'm asking your opinion, so don't think I'm trying to say you're wrong or anything.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Give it a try and see if it works for you. You'll likely be burning fat and muscle because your muscles won't be getting enough energy/cals/protein to maintain size let alone gain any size.

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