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Thread: 10 weeks out... Precontest diet critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    10 weeks out... Precontest diet critique

    Whats up guys... I found my approximate BMR every day to be 3200 kcal. I'll figure on taking in about 2500 kcal every day.

    300g protein = 1200 kcal
    150g carbs = 600kcal
    75g fats = 675 kcal
    Total = 2475 kcal

    Diet will go something like this

    Meal 1 -
    1/2 carton egg whites
    1 scoop whey
    3/4 cup oatmeal
    P 50 C 45 F 6

    Meal 2 -
    50g protein from Tilapia, Tuna or Chicken
    20g fat from peanuts, peanut butter, etc.

    Meal 3 -
    50g protein, 20g fat... from salmon


    Meal 4 - PWO shake
    50g whey
    50g maltodextrin, 10g dextrose
    P 50 C 60

    Meal 5 -
    50g protein from chicken or tilapia
    45g carbs from oatmeal or brown rice

    Meal 6 -
    50g protein... probably tuna
    1.5 tbsb olive oil or flax oil... 20g fat

    Hows it look? I'll be starting cardio 3x/week in the AM on an empty stomach for 30-40 mins...

    BTW I'm fatter than I was in my avatar... that was 4 days after my last show.
    Last edited by AandF6969; 01-31-2008 at 07:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    Whats up guys... I found my approximate BMR every day to be 3200 kcal. I'll figure on taking in about 2500 kcal every day.

    300g protein = 1200 kcal
    150g carbs = 600kcal
    75g fats = 675 kcal
    Total = 2475 kcal

    Diet will go something like this

    Meal 1 -
    1/2 carton egg whites
    1 scoop whey
    3/4 cup oatmeal
    P 50 C 45 F 6

    Meal 2 -
    50g protein from Tilapia, Tuna or Chicken
    20g fat from peanuts, peanut butter, etc.

    Meal 3 -
    50g protein, 20g fat... from salmon


    Meal 4 - PWO shake
    50g whey
    50g maltodextrin, 10g dextrose
    P 50 C 60

    Meal 5 -
    50g protein from chicken or tilapia
    45g carbs from oatmeal or brown rice

    Meal 6 -
    50g protein... probably tuna
    1.5 tbsb olive oil or flax oil... 20g fat

    Hows it look? I'll be starting cardio 3x/week in the AM on an empty stomach for 30-40 mins...

    BTW I'm fatter than I was in my avatar... that was 4 days after my last show.
    macros look well distributed.. honestly i would swap the whey shake for something casein based since eggwhites are a very high BA protein.
    i would also incorp one yolk for breakfast keep blood glucose lower and more stable.

    last meal of the night i'd go for some casein there as well in conjunction w/ the tuna or other meat protein.

    add metamucil to as many meals as feasible.

    i would swap out your pwo high GI carbs for a fructose/fruit type of carb.. this has worked very well for many people. assuming your preworkout nutrition is spot on.. there is no need to spike blood glucose levels postworkout unless your doing some sort of depletion training.

    if your having trouble w/ any type of water retention incorp 2-3 servings of asparagus per day works wonders for dropping extracellular water

    other then that it looks really good

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    You planning on moving your macros around at all from week to week? Just seems a little low in cals to start with. I usually start with a 500cal defecit and assess from there one a weekly/bi-weekly basis. Especially considering I bet you will be burning an extra 500cal on cardio days you will have a huge defecit some days. Not necessarily a bad thing since you probably know your body pretty well.

    Thats just my perspective. I would keep them a bit higher than jump them around from week to week. That works best for me. Than in the last 3 weeks before the comp keep it steady and then increase carbs again the last 3-5days depending on how you look.

    Also if you are having 3 carbs meals my personal preference is to have them 1st meal than pre and post workout rather than 1st, PWO and PPWO.

    Keep us updated though.

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