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Thread: gots some serious milk issues here

  1. #1

    gots some serious milk issues here

    ok here is what happends, i start drinking milk, i usually drink about 5-10 cups a day, then what happends after a month, i start getting horrible stomach aches everytime i drink, i switched to lactose free, and it didn't help at all. and being allergic to milk, is suppose to be in childhood only, and is very rare in adult years, and also that wouldn't be able to explain why if i stop drinking milk for a month i can drink fine again for a few weeks, b4 they start again, anybody got any info on this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the toilet
    If u drink (or eat) day after day the same thing and in such big quantitys,it is possible that u become intolerant to it.Thats why when u stop drinking milk for a few weeks u face no problems!Just drink less...5-10 cups after all is very much!

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