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Thread: Lean bulking diet. Input please.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Venice CA

    Lean bulking diet. Input please.

    If any of you diet experts have any comments or suggestions for me, I appreciate it.

    I'm 5'10", 190, 10%. I'm currently on a conservatively-dosed test/deca cycle with a goal of gaining 15 lean lbs without being a lard ass at the end. I train 5-6 days per week and do 35 min of morning cardio about 4-5 days per week.

    .5 cup (dry) grits
    1 tbs non-hydrogenated spread
    6 egg whites
    1 tbs miracle whip
    560 calories / 64g carbs / 42g protein / 14g fat

    1 slice ww bread
    1 handful nuts
    1.5 scoop whey
    450 calories / 29g carbs / 35g protein / 19g fat

    1 chicken breast
    1 cup brown rice
    530 calories / 63g carbs / 38g protein / 14g fat

    1 can tuna
    2 slices ww bread
    1 tbs miracle whip
    1 cup grapefruit juice
    485 calories / 72g carbs / 28g protein / 6g fat

    6:30 (PWO)
    1.5 scoop whey
    1 scoop dextrose
    245 calories / 26g carbs / 38g protein / 0g fat

    6oz salmon or steak
    1 cup vegtables
    300 calories / 10g carbs / 34g protein / 8g fat

    1 sm carton cottage cheese (2 cups)
    2 tbs natural PB
    570 calories / 18g carbs / 59g protein / 27g fat

    during the night (if I get up to pee)
    1.5 scoop whey
    150 calories / 1g carbs / 38g protein / 0g fat

    Total: 3290 calories / 283g carbs / 318g protein / 88g fat

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    If any of you diet experts have any comments or suggestions for me, I appreciate it.

    I'm 5'10", 190, 10%. I'm currently on a conservatively-dosed test/deca cycle with a goal of gaining 15 lean lbs without being a lard ass at the end. I train 5-6 days per week and do 35 min of morning cardio about 4-5 days per week.

    .5 cup (dry) grits
    1 tbs non-hydrogenated spread
    6 egg whites
    1 tbs miracle whip
    560 calories / 64g carbs / 42g protein / 14g fat
    looks good but i dont know if thats really 42 grams of protein unless grits have protein? cuz 6 egg whites is only 24 grams protein

    1 slice ww bread
    1 handful nuts
    1.5 scoop whey
    450 calories / 29g carbs / 35g protein / 19g fat
    think you need more carbs here and fat is a lil high i'd shoot for no more than 14 also bread is a poor carb choice if your going to drink a shake get some oatmeal get a coffee grinder grind 1 cup of oats and add it to the protein powder instant 54 grams carbs

    1 chicken breast
    1 cup brown rice
    530 calories / 63g carbs / 38g protein / 14g fat
    looks good

    1 can tuna
    2 slices ww bread
    1 tbs miracle whip
    1 cup grapefruit juice
    485 calories / 72g carbs / 28g protein / 6g fat
    i would assume this to be your pre workout meal? if so ur proteins kinda low and i dont like the grapefruit juice dont need simple sugars and ur carbs are way to high

    6:30 (PWO)
    1.5 scoop whey
    1 scoop dextrose
    245 calories / 26g carbs / 38g protein / 0g fat
    need more protein and more carbs for sure shoot for 50-100 grams carbs depending on ur sensitivity and workout entensity and about 50 grams protein as well

    6oz salmon or steak
    1 cup vegtables
    300 calories / 10g carbs / 34g protein / 8g fat

    i would get some carbs in this meal its your PPWO meal definately need some good whole carbs such as rice/pasta etc

    1 sm carton cottage cheese (2 cups)
    2 tbs natural PB
    570 calories / 18g carbs / 59g protein / 27g fat
    make this your before bed meal, fats kinda high i still wouldnt go over 14 but thats up to you i eat 1/2lb turkey sausage before bed

    during the night (if I get up to pee)
    1.5 scoop whey
    150 calories / 1g carbs / 38g protein / 0g fat
    think this is pointless but thats me eat enough before bed and you shouldnt need anything through the night not to mention whey protein digests fast you want whole foods that digest slower i would eliminate this meal

    Total: 3290 calories / 283g carbs / 318g protein / 88g fat

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    right now your diet is a 34/38/28 diet meaning 34% of your calories are carbs 38% is protein and 28% is fat a good lean bulk diet is 45/35/20 dont be scared of the carbs if its the right sources you can still gain lbm and even lose bf i did this summer eating 400 carbs ed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Venice CA
    Thanks for the input. I'm going to make some adjustments.

    I eat whole wheat bread instead of oats because it's easier for me to eat at work. The bread has zero sugars so I thought it would be ok.

    I was thinking I should wind down the carbs in the evening, but I will add some to the PWO meal at your suggestion.

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