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  1. #1
    awntzu's Avatar
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    Is this a good diet for cutting?

    Hello everyone I would like to get some insight on how my diet looks for my goals

    I am 5'6 190lbs, BF is 17% my main goal is to maintain my body weight as much as possible while cutting down on my body fat (I want to see my abs)
    I would like to know if I am on the right path with this diet.

    Meal one (breakfast)
    4 egg whites two yolks
    1 wheat wrap
    1/2 cup of cottage cheese

    Meal two(snack)
    One cup oats
    one cup non fat milk

    meal 3(lunch)
    3/4 cup rice
    4 oz steak

    meal 4(pwo)
    1/2 cup protein powder
    1/2 cup oats
    1 cup non fat milk

    Meal 5(dinner)

    3/4 cup rice
    4 oz chicken

    meal 6 (snack)

    1/2 cup oats
    1cup milk

    This comes to a total of
    2500 cal, 87g fat,219 carbs, 180g prot
    Solid workouts 5xweek, Cardio 5x week (30 min each session)
    Am I in line with my goals of cutting fat while maintaining muscle with this diet? will I see my abs?(j/k)

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
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    your diet doesn't look tooo bad. i would lower your carbs to about 175, and up your protein to compensate the difference. lower that fat a tad as well. i guess that is some very generic advise, what i am trying to say is that your total of 2500 cals a day looks ok, but your macros could be adjusted in a more appropriate way. 230pro, 185 carbs 60 fat. i don't know if that adds up, but something like that is what i would do IMO.

  3. #3
    awntzu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    your diet doesn't look tooo bad. i would lower your carbs to about 175, and up your protein to compensate the difference. lower that fat a tad as well. i guess that is some very generic advise, what i am trying to say is that your total of 2500 cals a day looks ok, but your macros could be adjusted in a more appropriate way. 230pro, 185 carbs 60 fat. i don't know if that adds up, but something like that is what i would do IMO.
    Thanks for the advice bro

  4. #4
    awntzu's Avatar
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    I tweaked my diet a little bit, and have been on for about 1 week, I think I got it down

    Meal one (breakfast)
    6 egg whites two yolks
    1 wheat wrap
    1/2 cup of cottage cheese

    Meal two(snack)
    One cup oats
    one cup non fat milk

    meal 3(lunch)
    Fiberous vege's
    5 oz steak

    meal 4(pwo)
    1 cup protein powder
    1/2 cup of oats

    Meal 5(dinner)

    Fiberous Vegie's
    6 oz chicken

    meal 6 (snack)

    1 cup protein powder
    1cup water

    that comes to a grand total of 265g protien, 90g carbs, 60g fat

    keep in mine that one of the hardest thing to control in my diet personaly is the carbs.
    this is my diet foundation. I know my carbs look a little low, because it enables me to have a small carb cheat every day. realisticly my carbs are actually 130g. So I will be able to sneak in a orange or banana or what everelse I want that is under 40g carbs.

  5. #5
    awntzu's Avatar
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    meal two is actually 1/2 cup oats

  6. #6
    audis4's Avatar
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    eh, I don't like where you have your carbs placed. I know you said sneak in a fruit but, I would do carbs for your first meal, pre-workout, PWO, and PPWO.

    do like 50g carbs (meal 1)
    50g carbs (pre WO)
    40g carbs (PWO)
    40g carbs (PPWO)

    meal 2...add protein, drop milk.

    what are your total cals? I don't like meal 6 either

  7. #7
    awntzu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4 View Post
    eh, I don't like where you have your carbs placed. I know you said sneak in a fruit but, I would do carbs for your first meal, pre-workout, PWO, and PPWO.

    do like 50g carbs (meal 1)
    50g carbs (pre WO)
    40g carbs (PWO)
    40g carbs (PPWO)

    meal 2...add protein, drop milk.

    what are your total cals? I don't like meal 6 either
    I like your pre pwo sugestion, and I know milk has all that sugar. the calories are about 2500. but I think you are giving me too much carbs thats about 180g of carbs and this is a cutting diet. I am an endomorph so I am not alowed too meny carbs, not like the **** or ecto.

  8. #8
    AaronJM1984's Avatar
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    I've always been instructed that almost all carbs should come at breakfast and immediately after workout. Also, that your PWO meal should be the biggest. My diet looks something like...

    30g whey
    2 egg
    half bagel w/natural pb or 1 cup plain oatmeal



    20 min later
    steak or chicken (lean protein)
    sweet potatoe

    steak or chicken

    2 cans of tuna w/mustard

    whey shake

    before bed
    cottage cheese

    A lot of guys say I use too many shakes though, I have managed to drop a lot of bodyfat while building muscle. I've gained 6 lbs. and dropped almost 2 percent bodyfat in 4 weeks, BUT I am using Superdrol so that helps.

  9. #9
    awntzu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AaronJM1984 View Post
    I've always been instructed that almost all carbs should come at breakfast and immediately after workout. Also, that your PWO meal should be the biggest. My diet looks something like...

    30g whey
    2 egg
    half bagel w/natural pb or 1 cup plain oatmeal



    20 min later
    steak or chicken (lean protein)
    sweet potatoe

    steak or chicken

    2 cans of tuna w/mustard

    whey shake

    before bed
    cottage cheese

    A lot of guys say I use too many shakes though, I have managed to drop a lot of bodyfat while building muscle. I've gained 6 lbs. and dropped almost 2 percent bodyfat in 4 weeks, BUT I am using Superdrol so that helps.

    Yeah that would help. I hear the same thing about shakes too, but I believe it is more important to hit your protien quota pre day, so if that means more shakes so be it, it is also hard for me too eat 270g of just chiken or meat pre day. one day I tried all meat and toward the end of the day I started to get the dry heves.

  10. #10
    AaronJM1984's Avatar
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    Yeah I try to switch it up a lot, I am sick of chicken...I eat a lot of venasin, beef, I love me some turkey patties, tastes just like hamburgers but a lot leaner. I eat a lot of tuna 2-4 cans a day...I mix some mustard and cut up a sweet pickle in it, give it some taste. Good snack. I feel the same way about the shakes, I get about 130-150 grams of protein from foods, but I weight 210 so I need 250-300g of protein, and I eat a lot of meat as it is. I get atleast 90-120 grams from shakes. Seems to be working thus far, guess thats all that matters. Keep me updated on your progress.

  11. #11
    novastepp's Avatar
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    believe me, you want carbs PRE workout! in cutting the easiest thing to do is lose strength and your hard earned gains in the gym. carb up before your workout, because all those carbs are going to do is help you get stronger, or at least maintain your strength through your cut. do what audis suggested. first meal, pre workout and post workout. your pre workout carbs could even be higher than your pwo. do not fear carbs my man. they will help make your cuts even stronger because of the mass you will retain. if meal 2 is only half a cup of oats, then eat another half cup before your workout. your pwo should be fine. and go ahead and throw more fruit in there if you want. pre and pwo are the easiest meals to plan because its just carbs and protein... and lots of em.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    believe me, you want carbs PRE workout! in cutting the easiest thing to do is lose strength and your hard earned gains in the gym. carb up before your workout, because all those carbs are going to do is help you get stronger, or at least maintain your strength through your cut. do what audis suggested. first meal, pre workout and post workout. your pre workout carbs could even be higher than your pwo. do not fear carbs my man. they will help make your cuts even stronger because of the mass you will retain. if meal 2 is only half a cup of oats, then eat another half cup before your workout. your pwo should be fine. and go ahead and throw more fruit in there if you want. pre and pwo are the easiest meals to plan because its just carbs and protein... and lots of em.
    How meny carbs would you allow me per day? I got the post and pre workout, DONE! IF I am an endomorph I am thinking only 100g-135g carbs max.

  13. #13
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by awntzu View Post
    How meny carbs would you allow me per day? I got the post and pre workout, DONE! IF I am an endomorph I am thinking only 100g-135g carbs max.
    what are your stats?

  14. #14
    awntzu's Avatar
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    which stats did you need, most of my stats are at the begining of this post.

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    sorry i must not have scrolled up far enough when i looked. i would say you need more than 135g of carbs. but you should do what works for you after you test out your levels. you should be able to maintain almost all of your strength when cutting if your carbs are at an appropriate level. i would go no lower than 150 starting out. and if you aren't losing fat at a rate that you would expect, then lower it down to 135 or 130, and see if it changes. don't short change yourself and lose strength early in your cut.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    sorry i must not have scrolled up far enough when i looked. i would say you need more than 135g of carbs. but you should do what works for you after you test out your levels. you should be able to maintain almost all of your strength when cutting if your carbs are at an appropriate level. i would go no lower than 150 starting out. and if you aren't losing fat at a rate that you would expect, then lower it down to 135 or 130, and see if it changes. don't short change yourself and lose strength early in your cut.
    sounds good, I am about at 130g as it is right now, my strength is good with 130g carbs but I am not losing fat as fast as I was expecting. I hope you are right about the 150g carbs that would be great. this is only my second week of strict dieting so I really cant tell how much fat i am losing, but I have lost a little. in your experience with dieting how long did it take for you to notice a significant change in your body fat? for example,with my cutting diet how long would it take to go from 17% to 12%?

  17. #17
    audis4's Avatar
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    when dieting hard, losing 1%of pure BF and maintaining muscle in 1 week is do able but your diet needs to really be good

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4 View Post
    when dieting hard, losing 1%of pure BF and maintaining muscle in 1 week is do able but your diet needs to really be good
    so maybe 6-8 weeks I will be able see good solid results? and maybe readjust diet as needed every 2 weeks? also my diet is tight eating no more than 130g of carbs, 250-280g protien 60g fat.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by awntzu View Post
    so maybe 6-8 weeks I will be able see good solid results? and maybe readjust diet as needed every 2 weeks? also my diet is tight eating no more than 130g of carbs, 250-280g protien 60g fat.
    if your strength is holding up, keep it at 130g. and yes, i usually always cut for 8 weeks. if i don't like where i am, another two weeks with carb cycling.

    and yes, adjust your diet every couple of weeks to keep it around a level for your lbm.

  20. #20
    awntzu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    if your strength is holding up, keep it at 130g. and yes, i usually always cut for 8 weeks. if i don't like where i am, another two weeks with carb cycling.

    and yes, adjust your diet every couple of weeks to keep it around a level for your lbm.
    sounds like a plan thanks bro

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