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Thread: my diet

  1. #1
    rabbit229 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008

    my diet

    im trying to build muscle and burn fat at the same time. would this diet work?

    6:00am 1 banana,water,work ouy
    7:00 6 egg whites 1 yolk, 1/2 a cup porage
    9:00 200g chicken breast 1/2 cup of mixed veg & a small potato
    11:00 2 tins tuna with 1 large tomato,celery
    13:00 200g chicken breast small potato
    15:00 protien shake with 30g brown rice
    17:00 1 tin tuna, pineapple and 1 pro-active yogurt
    19:00 200g chicken breast 30g brown rice and peanut butter
    21:00 200g chicken breast small potato
    11:00 small pot of cottage cheese, low fat
    4:00 protien shake

    i will drink 5 leters of water thu out the day

  2. #2
    Garnelek's Avatar
    Garnelek is offline Associate Member
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    In the toilet
    6:00am-Why do u eat just a banana and what is "work ouy"?
    Post cal,prot,crb,fat totals.....can't say for sure without them

  3. #3
    rabbit229 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008
    i have a banana at 6:00am on the way to the gym. sorry that was ment to say work out.

  4. #4
    rabbit229 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008
    my cal intake 2000g ,pro 300g, carb30g fat 20g

  5. #5
    admirals56 is offline Banned
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    wats your stats

  6. #6
    rabbit229 is offline Junior Member
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    18st, 5/10, body fat 32%

  7. #7
    Garnelek's Avatar
    Garnelek is offline Associate Member
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    In the toilet
    Its better to pick one, either burn fat or build muscle!
    If u choose to burn fat, ur diet is ok but i would up the carbs a bit to 50-70grms (if u are not using any drugs to help, it is very possible that when u are done with burning fat and try to bulk and therefore increase carbs, u will put on fat weight very quickly).
    Also if u are doing cardio at 6:00 am(i think u would benefit more by doing cardio in the morning with an empty stomach and weights later), its better to drop the banana.Drink a protein shake if u wish but no carbs, leave them for 7:00.

  8. #8
    rabbit229 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008
    so if i up my carbs to 120g per day and keep my protien at 300g this would burn fat+build muscle?
    in the morning i can only fit 15min of cardio 40 min of heavyweigh's

  9. #9
    Garnelek's Avatar
    Garnelek is offline Associate Member
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    In the toilet
    U can't really build muscle and burn fat the same time...u can but its gonna take u a lot more than burning fat and then building mass!

  10. #10
    rabbit229 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008
    so if i start doing 30 mins of cardio every morning that will burn fat but is it true it will also burn musical.

  11. #11
    Garnelek's Avatar
    Garnelek is offline Associate Member
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    In the toilet
    Yes u will probably loose some muscle too while u are trying to burn fat,but i think its worth it....Also here is a link of Cbino's carb cycling plan which may give u some ideas
    (post #20)

  12. #12
    rabbit229 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008
    thanks mate, yes you are right i must burn off the ugly fat. cheers

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