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Thread: Diet Help !!!!!!

  1. #1

    Diet Help !!!!!!

    hey i was just curious to how much protein i should be eating a day. Im 5'11 and 240lbs. Iv read its best to have 1.5-2 grams per lb. Now my question is if im focusing on cutting fat wont that be too much calories and carbs etc.. right now im only getting about 150 grams of protein a day, but only 1000-1300 or so calories. I usally eat 5-7 times a day 1 protein bar, 2 protein shakes, and the rest is usually chicken, eggs, tuna, and vegetables. So for trying to lose weight should i focus more on protein intake or manage my calories?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    every where
    read all the stickys in the diet forum they will answere a lot of ur questions ther the ones marked attention in red

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    NO! you need about 3000 calories a day. you will be working off a very large amount of size if you only eat 1000 cals a day. and that size will be your muscle mass. do some research on her for cutting diets, and look at recent threads about what people are cutting with. what is your bf%?

  4. #4
    3000 calories? really iv never eaten that much. Just to clarify im not in good shape at the moment, due to several injuries, and i need to burn fat. Im not sure on my Bf% but like i said i currently weigh 240 and only 5'11. IM 20 years old and have been working out since 16 and training MMA. im not some bum with a big belly trying to work out for the first time. but i do have a lot of excess fat. i will read up on the diet threads and learn more thanks for all the replies and please keep them coming. and by the way this is pretty much the first time iv been serious about a diet and i lost 10lbs in the last month on this diet. So it has been working for me thus far. thanks again

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    any rapid weight loss will undoubtedly result in the loss of muscle mass. so just take it slow, and diet down by losing around 2 pounds a week. believe me, you will lose a lot of strength and muscle size if you only eat 1000 cals a day. google the harris benedict formula, and figure your calories from there... i bet you its higher than 3000. but just concentrate on a clean diet and get your mma and weights in there.

  6. #6
    ok thanks a lot. ill just focus more on my lifting, cardio, diet. thanks again guys

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Hey Nova thanks for that info. I was intaking around 2800 calories and i dropped it to 2200 to cut up. Based on the formula you provided, i need 2846k cals to maintain and approximately 2276 to lose weight.

    Not too shabby with my calculations.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    WOW I HIGHLY suggest everyone takes a look at this site as provided by Nova.

    Lots of useful information there!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    Quote Originally Posted by MaGiCJNG View Post
    WOW I HIGHLY suggest everyone takes a look at this site as provided by Nova.

    Lots of useful information there!
    the most common mistake guys make when they decide they really want to lose the fat. is they don't eat! eating is essentially what causes you to lose weight. food is sooooo important to gaining and losing weight. you will notice results with a spot on diet ALONE. cardio, just put you into overdrive.

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