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Thread: i cant believe what im reading

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    anywhere my son lives

    i cant believe what im reading

    I talked to my boy yesterday i havent seen in about 10 years. This guy was in a shootout with the poilice and into a lot of shady stuff and is now all reformed and a Vegan of all things. I am proud of him and everything but he sees me and starts with this whole vegan bodybuiling stuff, and he tells me I can do everything I do vegan and he knows guys that are 250 ripped and vegan no gear (yeah I call BS too). So he sends me some links and what not, of course I still dont see any 250lb ripped up bodybuilders but some ok natty physiques if your into that fight club look. the most intresting is the diets these guys follow, I have never rea such crap, anyone agree with this guys "bulking/cutting" avice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I have a friend that was a wrestler in high school and college. We cycled together then and now. He has always genetically had a better natural physique than I do. In any event, he went vegan for a while and lost his mass. He still had a great shape and many would be surprised that he did not eat meat. In any event, after several years he went back to meat and said he would never try to combine the two again. He now loves his beef and chicken and is back to a larger size. He has always been able to keep his BF below 10%, but is one person that I know that has tried it both ways. At least for him, he can see the difference first hand.

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