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  1. #1
    gizlebit is offline Junior Member
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    Body Fat Loss & Cheat Meals

    Im currently on a cutting diet. Im doing HIT Cardio 5 times a week for 30 minutes. Now I know not every person gets the same results. My question is, with being on a strict cutting diet, lifting 5 times a week and doing the above mentioned cardio, how much body fat (%) should I realistically expect to drop per week?

    In addition, I give myself one cheat meal a week, usually on Saturday or Sunday. Is once a week fine? Should I reduce it to once every two weeks or a month?


  2. #2
    gizlebit is offline Junior Member
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    Here is my DIET by the way. If anyone feels I should change anything please let me know.

    I do my cardio session after my 1st meal. Go back to the gym to lift after my third.

    Meal 1:
    6 egg whites (xtra large) Calories...120 Protein...30 Carbs...0 Fat...0
    1 cup of brown rice Calories...210 Protein...5 Carbs...40 Fat...4.5
    8 oz. cantalope Calories... Protein...1.5 Carbs...18 Fat...0
    1 Tbsp L-Carnitine

    Meal 2:
    Whey protein shake Calories...260 Protein...46 Carbs...8 Fat...4
    1/2 cup oatmeal Calories...150 Protein...5 Carbs...27 Fat...6
    1/2 banana Calories...50 Protein...0.5 Carbs...11 Fat...0
    1 Tbsp flax oil Calories...120 Protein...0 Carbs...0 Fat...13

    Meal 3: (Pre Workout)
    8 oz. grilled chicked Calories...320 Protein...56 Carbs...0 Fat...5
    1/2 cup oatmeal Calories...150 Protein...5 Carbs...27 Fat...6

    Meal 4: (Post Workout)
    Whey protein shake Calories...260 Protein...46 Carbs...8 Fat...6
    5 grams of glutamine
    1 Tbsp flax oil Calories...120 Protein...0 Carbs...0 Fat...13

    Meal 5:
    8 oz. flank steak/chicken breast Calories...400 Protein...56 Fat...20 Carbs..0
    1 cup of greens

    Meal 6: (Pre Bed)
    Whey protein shake Calories...260 Protein...46 Carbs...8 Fat...6
    5 grams of glutamine
    1 Tbsp L-Carnitine

    Totals - Calories...2430 Protein...297 Carbs...147 Fat...75.5
    Last edited by gizlebit; 02-24-2008 at 06:39 PM.

  3. #3
    gizlebit is offline Junior Member
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    On my non lifting days I cut my carbs in half. Which is twice a week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    We need the following to give you accurate advise:

    Stats: height, weight, bf %

    also need the macros on the food, protein, fat, carbs\

    but looks like you have an idea about good eating, cuz you have all good food choices there and don't worry about a once a week cheat meal, just don't make it the whole day!!

  5. #5
    gizlebit is offline Junior Member
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    Im 5'10 190lbs 18%. Im trying to get down to 8% in 12 weeks. Is that realisitc?

    I will provide all macros shortly as well.


  6. #6
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    first in your last meal i would not use whey, its digested too quickly. go for casein protein or a whole protein source like one you used throughout your day.

    your bf loss will account largely for your correct caloric consumption throughout each week. every few weeks you will need to reevaluate your diet and make subtle yet important changes to continue losing weight. i think your goals are achievable. you will just need to work hard and stay on point.

    also, as far as cheating goes. my take on the subject is do it when you need it. if once a week keeps you on point for the rest of the week, then go for it. if you want to try every two weeks that won't hurt either.

    you should also do some research on carb cycling. i think CBINO had a good write up about it a while back. in any case, you may want to start doing that after a few weeks of dieting and cardio just to help continue the fat burning process.

    don't forget to update your diet with those macros to give us a better look.

  7. #7
    gizlebit is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks Nova.

    Macros are up.

  8. #8
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gizlebit View Post
    Im 5'10 190lbs 18%. Im trying to get down to 8% in 12 weeks. Is that realisitc?

    I will provide all macros shortly as well.

    definitely possible.... just hard work...

  9. #9
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    honestly, i think that right now your macros are a tad high, i would recommend eating just over the 2000 calorie mark, as i was about your size when i started my first cutter, and i got really lean off of a 2035 calorie diet for 9 weeks. i would still recommend substituting a longer digesting protein in place of your whey before bed. but other than that i say put it to the test and start losing.

  10. #10
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    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    you know what, i am second guessing myself. i think you should sub in a new protein before bed and give it a two week shot. if you stick to it and work as hard as you say you do , i think it could provide results. you will need adjusting... but for now i think you should just go for it.

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