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Thread: Need Advise For 130lb Bulking Mass Guy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I live in North Texas

    Need Advise For 130lb Bulking Mass Guy

    Ok i got a call from a buddy of mine, wants to gain a lot of weight, but doesnt want to take gear, he is 5'9 130lbs ripped and hes one of those hard gainers, but im not his size and i wouldnt know what to tell him, i just told him to eat a shit load of protien and lift heavy, but i dont want him to be eating the wrong things, so i need help tryin to figure out how many calories he would need to eat a day, and how many meals would be ample for him, and what supplements would benifit him. any info will help thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    there is no such thing as a hard gainer with those stats..its called not eating enough and not training the right this and have him start eating like it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    hard gainer is a myth to a point. sure some gain on a maintenance level of cals, and other have to up it a bit more. it's called genetics. have him eat 2 chicken breasts and a cup of oats 6 times a day and 4 table spoons of natural peanut butter before bed for 6 months.

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