Hey guys-
I was in killer shape for most of my life, then I joined the US Navy and got lazy and nagging knee injuries gave me a cop out to stop cardio...now after getting winded after running up my stairs at home and pushing the 25 percent bodyfat marker, Im disgusted with myself and have been reading a lot on these forums...so Im posting a diet Ive been trying, and I really need to get under 15 percent by June 1st, so please, if you got the time, help me out.
Also, I added a picture of myself that I took today (March 1st, 2008), so I know Im a bit out of shape, but no harsh comments...helpful only please.
Morning: 1/2 Cup straight oats, 7-8 egg whites, tblspn salsa
two hours later (THL) - tin of tuna
lunch : Fish or chicken breast with tblspn of salsa, celery
THL - Protien bar and/or shake
Preworkout : Shake
Post work out: Shake and lean protien (lean cut beef or chicken breast)
Before bed: Lean protien source.
I try to consume at least 200grams of protien and keep fats down low and try not to go over 180g of carbs.
Supps: Whey protien, fish oil, multivitamin.
Height is 68 inches, waist is 42 around navel, neck is 16 1/2. 23 years old.
Thanks guys.