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Thread: Is this normal?

  1. #1

    Is this normal?

    I have been dieting for about 3 weeks now and think I have come to a point where i am not really losing weight. I am holding at the same weight. I have lost about 5lbs so far. But I have also started training again. I was just wondering if it is normal to stay at the same weight or even gain a little while on a diet. Like i said, i haven't really traine in like over a year. I just want to know that I am still burning fat, and if so, the unchanged weight change is due to possible musle growth. My diet is about right on, sometimes calorie intake is less for some days. I didn't know eating this much could have so little calories. I just want to be reasurre that I am still losing fat. I do think my waist is triming, but truely not sure, too soon to know. diet is as follows-

    Meal #1
    Egg whites, 1-½ cup oatmeal-
    P-37g/ F-8g/ C-40g


    Meal #2
    P-46g/ F-0g/ C-90g

    Meal #3
    Veggies, Tuna or Chicken-
    P-37g/ F-20g/ C-5g

    Meal #4
    Protein Shake
    P-46g/ F-0g/ C-0g

    Meal #5
    Veggies, Red Meat or Chicken
    P-60g/ F-20g/ C-5g

    Meal #6
    Protein Shake/ hand full almonds
    P-23g/ F-0g/ C-0g

    Total- P-249g- 996 cals
    F-48g- 432 cals
    C-140g- 560 cals
    Total Cals- 1988 cals

    BMR is about 2500. I am haveing trouble eating this much, but doing ok, was never a big eater. I am currently about 155lbs, 5'6" maybe 18%, but more then likely less then that. So am I normal, lol?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    South Jersey
    whats your cardio like?

  3. #3
    45min 3-4x a wk, target HR 75-80%, usually a stationary bike

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    South Jersey
    I would up the cardio to 6 days a week. You could also possibly try taking your carbs down a little, around 100g and up your protein to around 300g. You just gotta keep trying different things to see what works for you. When you hit a wall you've got to switch things up a bit.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    might sound weird, but i think you need to eat more. get rid of the shakes so you can incorporate more meat and you need more EFA's. food is the fat burner my man. food.

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