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You could prob bump your cal up a bit, maybe 2300. I use a 25/55/20 ratio for cutting, c/p/f. So that puts ya at around 143g carbs, 316g protein, 51g fat. But it varies from person to person, you gotta find what works for you. But that should be a good start. As far as the actual foods go, check out the sticky for cutting and use the search button to check out some of the vets diet advice. Carbs should be complex (oats, brown rice, sweet potatoes, etc.) except for post workout, which should be simple. Get protein from lean sources, NOT shakes (tuna, chicken , egg whites, turkey, lean red meat, etc.). Get some efa's in there too, but not pre or post workout. Efa's before bed are a good idea, 10-15g taken with a slow digesting protein (casein powder, cottage cheese)