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  1. #1
    chlorine is offline New Member
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    Whole food vs. Blended

    Is one more superior than the other? In the morning I blend up a cup of oats, water, egg whites and some whey and gulp it down before heading to work as it is much quicker and convenient for me.

    Would frying up the egg whites and microwaving the oats + eating them in whole form provide any benefit?

  2. #2
    Dezeroth is offline Junior Member
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    im dying to know this too !!! im always short on time for EVERYTHING !!!

    i swear if this is not a problem, im going to start blending my brown rice, black beans and tuna in about 16oz of water and start chuggin it down !!

  3. #3
    fatherof6 is offline Banned
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    i can say this. i take a lot of pepsid, priloces...etc all for stomach craps, acid indigestion etc. my doc has me one liqiud vitiamns and injectahble painmeds bcause i get like 30% from it if not since my stomach doe snot have what it takes to nbreak it down. he said even if you had a good stomach why not use liquid and grind up yur stuff to eat. its fast, its in smaller prsions when blened up or in liquid form there fore even with a good or bad stomach or digestive system you will benifit form it. so i would have to say that yes, being blkeded up in smaler pices already cheoped up smaller then your digestive track hasd less work to do so more gets into your syste, thats his take or my intrp of it. i noticed after doing this with my eggs and oatmeal and all that i have felt better, got more energy and i crap better and less. beofre my craps were bigger and hared and he said thast cause my body is taking more iwoud say yes....

  4. #4
    Dezeroth is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatherof6 View Post
    i can say this. i take a lot of pepsid, priloces...etc all for stomach craps, acid indigestion etc. my doc has me one liqiud vitiamns and injectahble painmeds bcause i get like 30% from it if not since my stomach doe snot have what it takes to nbreak it down. he said even if you had a good stomach why not use liquid and grind up yur stuff to eat. its fast, its in smaller prsions when blened up or in liquid form there fore even with a good or bad stomach or digestive system you will benifit form it. so i would have to say that yes, being blkeded up in smaler pices already cheoped up smaller then your digestive track hasd less work to do so more gets into your syste, thats his take or my intrp of it. i noticed after doing this with my eggs and oatmeal and all that i have felt better, got more energy and i crap better and less. beofre my craps were bigger and hared and he said thast cause my body is taking more iwoud say yes....
    wth are you trying say

  5. #5
    naturalsux's Avatar
    naturalsux is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dezeroth View Post
    wth are you trying say

    hes saying blended food is easy on the stomach.

  6. #6
    chlorine is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dezeroth View Post
    wth are you trying say
    haha! i had to re-read that post, but it made sense the second time!

  7. #7
    Dezeroth is offline Junior Member
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    lol oh ok, the typing didnt make sense to me :-P

  8. #8
    FortKnox36's Avatar
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    Blending your food may make the digestion process speed up because your stomach wont have to break down all the food..but other than that the nutrients are still the same so all seems good.

    Make sure you take some biotin (b vitamin) if you are drinking raw egg whites because the biotin will change the chemical composition of the raw egg white making it digestable, otherwise it will shoot right through your system adn come out the same way it went in. Cooking the egg white will also change the chemical composition making it better digestable.

    Sidenote: They now have egg whites that contain a little bit of yolk (1.5g fat and 6g protein). The yolk of the egg is packed with biotin which in turn allows you to drink them str8 and be fine.

    Sidenote #2: They also sell B-vitamins that have biotin in them that you can take when you drink raw egg whites.

    Hope this helps,

  9. #9
    novastepp's Avatar
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    the bioavailablity of a raw egg white is significantly lower than that of a cooked white or a pasteurized one. i would cook the eggs. you can blend a hard-boiled egg white too. cooked oats also have a slightly lower GI rating than uncooked oats. but i never cook mine anyway, nothing wrong with that.

  10. #10
    BIGDOGIRISH's Avatar
    BIGDOGIRISH is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FortKnox36 View Post
    Blending your food may make the digestion process speed up because your stomach wont have to break down all the food..but other than that the nutrients are still the same so all seems good.

    Make sure you take some biotin (b vitamin) if you are drinking raw egg whites because the biotin will change the chemical composition of the raw egg white making it digestable, otherwise it will shoot right through your system adn come out the same way it went in. Cooking the egg white will also change the chemical composition making it better digestable.

    Sidenote: They now have egg whites that contain a little bit of yolk (1.5g fat and 6g protein). The yolk of the egg is packed with biotin which in turn allows you to drink them str8 and be fine.

    Sidenote #2: They also sell B-vitamins that have biotin in them that you can take when you drink raw egg whites.

    Hope this helps,
    Ok I use to love throwing a whole raw egg into my morning shake but stopped cause I heard it wouldnt be digested.
    Are you saying if I throw in the whole egg then its ok???

  11. #11
    BIGDOGIRISH's Avatar
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  12. #12
    D-Unit 39's Avatar
    D-Unit 39 is offline Member
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    Yes; a whole raw egg can be digested, a raw egg white by itself cannot.

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