......Although I dont have a diet question RIGHT NOW, I always like seeing progress pics of those trying to lose some weight..... tried this "new thinking" about food last year only to find every reason in the world to not do it....then late last year, by chance only, doctor offered to place me on HRT due to low test levels (absolutely no signs of low test, but hey, wasnt going to argue, right!)....anyway, starting end of Jan of this year, with some god advice from members in here, started getting serious about wanting to look better and began working out 4-5x per week as well as eating pretty damn good whe compared to what I used....now I will admit, its not "clean" by definition to some of you guys, but I definetly watch what I eat, how much as well as when....and have cut out all the empty calories such as cokes and fastfood (other than the Sonic Grill chicken wrap, no ranch of course, but kinda my crutch when I need to eat fast food)....anyway, trying to get a schedule down on the food as I now this is my weak spot....not eating bad food per say, but getting a plan together and making it work for me and my work schedule, which is pretty damn hard I have found out...anyway, thought Id post a comparison pic(s) for us big asses out there trying to lose weight....hopefully I can get the diet in check (eating so much is really the problem for me, most of the time I forget about those small snacks).....not sure how much the test I take is effecting the scale, but I do know that I have dropped at least 2 pants size, one shirt size and increased my strength across the board, so with getting my diet in check, I am hoping to break that 240 mark this month.....