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Thread: Diet Check

  1. #1
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    Question Diet Check

    Tell me what you all think...

    Meal # Meal Protein Carbs Fat
    1 1 Whole Egg + 1 Slice Cheese+ 6 Egg Whites + 1 Serving Oat Meal + 15g Whey 64 30 12
    2 Chicken Breast + 1/2 Tbsp Flax + 1 Tbsp Peanutbutter + 12g Milk&Egg Protein 48 5 15
    3 Whole Wheat wrap + 1 Slice Cheese + 10 Ounces Turkey + 1/2 Scoop Whey 44 33 7
    (Pre-WO) 4 NO-Shotgun 16 9 0
    (Intra-WO) 5 10g EAA + 15g WMS 0 15 0
    (PWO) 6 48g Whey + 45g WMS 48 47 0
    7 Lean Protein + Whole Wheat Pasta, Brown Rice, or SweetPotato 40 50 6
    8 40g Casein + 1/2 Tbsp Flax + 1 Tbsp Peanutbutter 44 3 15
    Totals 304 192 55

    Total Cals: 2479
    Protein Cals: 1216
    Carb Cals: 768
    Fat Cals: 495

    Stats: 6'1" 190lbs 9%bf
    Last edited by Big Papi JR.; 04-09-2008 at 04:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2007
    Damn, copying this off excel comes out mad out sloppy. I'm in a hurry so I can't adjust it now. Hopefully you all can still comprehend it lol

  3. #3
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    How is much is your daily calorie expenditure and are you cutting/bulking/maintaining?

  4. #4
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    Original post was edited to include caloric info.
    Right now I'm actually maintaing.
    I'm planning on cutting in a couple of weeks, but I'm not sure where I should reduce my calories. I'm thinking a go a little ligher on the carbs in my post-post workout meal. Cutting back 25g carbs in this meal would reduce be a 100calorie drop in daily caloric consumption. I don't want to go too low under maintenance. I'm thinking I'll go a little below maintenance, incroporate ECA, and do cardio 4 to 5 times a week. What do you all think about this plan? Also, any thoughts on carb cycling?

  5. #5
    swol_je's Avatar
    swol_je is offline Senior Member
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    Whats ur stats

  6. #6
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    bump, more info

  7. #7
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Papi JR. View Post
    Original post was edited to include caloric info.
    Right now I'm actually maintaing.
    I'm planning on cutting in a couple of weeks, but I'm not sure where I should reduce my calories. I'm thinking a go a little ligher on the carbs in my post-post workout meal. Cutting back 25g carbs in this meal would reduce be a 100calorie drop in daily caloric consumption. I don't want to go too low under maintenance. I'm thinking I'll go a little below maintenance, incroporate ECA, and do cardio 4 to 5 times a week. What do you all think about this plan? Also, any thoughts on carb cycling?
    I have similar stats to you and I would starve at those calorie levels. Plan sounds good to me. Cardio should help. Lowering calories anymore than you have now might not be that beneficial.

  8. #8
    novastepp's Avatar
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    not enough carbs

  9. #9
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    not enough carbs
    any more carbs and I'll look like a puff ball all day man. carbs and i don't mix well

  10. #10
    Narkissos's Avatar
    Narkissos is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~Diet Guru~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Papi JR. View Post
    any more carbs and I'll look like a puff ball all day man. carbs and i don't mix well
    Try eliminating the carb sources which cause bloat.

    I explained this in detail on as well as my own forum.

    I'll dig for it and re-post/backlink here.

    Basically the argument is to avoid allergens, as well as foods with lignans (grains etc.) at all costs.

    Switch to tubers predominantly.

    This should bring an end to your bloating.

    Last edited by Narkissos; 04-12-2008 at 05:55 PM.

  11. #11
    Narkissos's Avatar
    Narkissos is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~Diet Guru~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Papi JR. View Post
    Tell me what you all think...

    Meal # Meal Protein Carbs Fat
    1 1 Whole Egg + 1 Slice Cheese+ 6 Egg Whites + 1 Serving Oat Meal + 15g Whey 64 30 12
    2 Chicken Breast + 1/2 Tbsp Flax + 1 Tbsp Peanutbutter + 12g Milk&Egg Protein 48 5 15
    3 Whole Wheat wrap + 1 Slice Cheese + 10 Ounces Turkey + 1/2 Scoop Whey 44 33 7
    (Pre-WO) 4 NO-Shotgun 16 9 0
    (Intra-WO) 5 10g EAA + 15g WMS 0 15 0
    (PWO) 6 48g Whey + 45g WMS 48 47 0
    7 Lean Protein + Whole Wheat Pasta, Brown Rice, or SweetPotato 40 50 6
    8 40g Casein + 1/2 Tbsp Flax + 1 Tbsp Peanutbutter 44 3 15
    Totals 304 192 55

    Total Cals: 2479
    Protein Cals: 1216
    Carb Cals: 768
    Fat Cals: 495

    Stats: 6'1" 190lbs 9%bf
    kcals look just above maintenance.

    I don't particularly like your food choices.. but to each his own.

    I'd increase caloric expenditure.. I would not change the diet.

    Looks like a pretty solid plan to me.


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