is my diet ok to lose these damn love handles????
Well that does it now, last night i received my tapout shorts, and put them on , i wanna use them has wrestling trunks, they are for waist 34 inch 36 inch , but what i saw are those ugly stinking love handles fall out of the shorts.
I have 6 months infont of me til i start wrestling infront of an audience.
I am 5,10 and 214, this is right i just weighted myself.
Now i wanna go down to 190 pounds wish i think will be quit good, i dont have big arms for starters, 16 inch cold, and the first thing that happens when i start dieting i lose my arm size.
i plan to train 4 times a week
using basic exercices and not training the muscles more then once a week each.
i plan on doing 8-11 sets per big muscles and 5-6 for small ones
i plan to continue lifting heavy 6-8 reps
I will squat and deadlift once a week to keep everything going.
Main exercices i will focus on bench press, chin ups (shit i can bearly do 6 now), bent rows, deadlifts, squats, bb curls, military press and upright rows.
l glutamine 10G a day
Creatine try like billy boy told me 5g before training
3 shakes ( should i take them with skim milk or not) with flax oil,
one b4 bed.
What carbs can i eat???? i will cut all sugar cravings and they will go away.
aerobics will be done 3 times a week becose i dont wanna overtrain. I will run for 20-30 minutes
Well thats my story hope i can get some help fine tunning all of this so i can look good in 6 months
thanks guys and sorry for long post.