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Thread: is my diet ok to lose these damn love handles

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Smile is my diet ok to lose these damn love handles

    is my diet ok to lose these damn love handles????

    Well that does it now, last night i received my tapout shorts, and put them on , i wanna use them has wrestling trunks, they are for waist 34 inch 36 inch , but what i saw are those ugly stinking love handles fall out of the shorts.

    I have 6 months infont of me til i start wrestling infront of an audience.

    I am 5,10 and 214, this is right i just weighted myself.

    Now i wanna go down to 190 pounds wish i think will be quit good, i dont have big arms for starters, 16 inch cold, and the first thing that happens when i start dieting i lose my arm size.


    i plan to train 4 times a week

    using basic exercices and not training the muscles more then once a week each.

    i plan on doing 8-11 sets per big muscles and 5-6 for small ones

    i plan to continue lifting heavy 6-8 reps

    I will squat and deadlift once a week to keep everything going.

    Main exercices i will focus on bench press, chin ups (shit i can bearly do 6 now), bent rows, deadlifts, squats, bb curls, military press and upright rows.


    l glutamine 10G a day

    Creatine try like billy boy told me 5g before training

    3 shakes ( should i take them with skim milk or not) with flax oil,

    one b4 bed.

    What carbs can i eat???? i will cut all sugar cravings and they will go away.

    aerobics will be done 3 times a week becose i dont wanna overtrain. I will run for 20-30 minutes

    Well thats my story hope i can get some help fine tunning all of this so i can look good in 6 months

    thanks guys and sorry for long post.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    Hey man whats up?
    I looked at your routine, if you are wanting to cut up and lose some weight, try ALOT highrer reps than you are presently doing. You may experience some size loss but you should faily maintain your strenght and the cuts will really make up for the difference. I use to teach an aerobic class and when I look back at some of the pictures that was taken of me then I really was smaller than I have ever been but DAM was I cut up. This seemed to make up for the loss in size.
    Increases your cardio. You can never do to much when you are trying to lose weight in a short period of time. I'm not sure about your diet as you did not post it. But I know that I don't have to mention that it is probaly the most important thing right now in reaching your present goals. Good luck.

    P.S. I use to wrestle quiet abit myself. Nothing spectular, only 3 years during Junior high.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    Oh yeah, I take all of my shakes with fat free milk. I know that there are some that will argue that milk will hinder the protein absorbtion process but I just can't bring mysellf to drink the stuff with water.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I take all my shakes with skimmed milk.its a good source of protein all I would say if you are on a low cal diet and watching your carbs drop the milk and use water as 600ml of milk has around 35g of carbs.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    While we are on the subject, are there any good excercises to loose those love handles. I have heard that Twists, are useless, then another PBB, told me that running and cardio will eventually burn those off, . Cause your body has to burn the fat all at once, not just from one specific area. I think I just answered my own question, but anyways, just wanted to see what you guys have to say bout dat!

  6. #6
    ptbyjason Guest
    The only way to lose the weight (love handles) is to watch your diet and do cardio (well, there are other things, but ya know, legally and all) You can always use some type of fat burner (Xenadrine, Hydroxycut). Nutrition is the most important part of it all. The cardio needs to be about 4 - 5 times /week. At least 30 to 45 minutes. You will not start burning your bodyfat until about 20 - 30 minutes into your workout. You will only burn your carbohydrates until then. I usually do my cardio after my weight training in order to decrease the amount of time it takes to start burning my bodyfat.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Tanks Jason, I do the same, just takes me longer to burn dem damn love handles.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa
    and i would watch out for creatine. remember, it promotes water absorption, which is opposite of what you are aiming for right (cutting0 ?

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