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  1. #1
    TheArtist's Avatar
    TheArtist is offline Member
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    please help me formulate a diet

    howdy fellas

    My stats are
    24yrs old

    My goal is to at least see my abs by july. I think it's an achievable venture.
    Cardio and training are in check. but the diet is NOT.

    I just started a cycle of test e 250mg per week. It's low dose, because i'm planning on adding tren in a couple weeks.

    thanks in advance, i know there are some knowledgeable members here!

    **** EDIT ****

    ok, here's a diet i came up with, please pick it apart as necessary

    10 egg whites... 50/0/0/45
    1 cup oats... 10/54/6/300
    1tbsp PB... 3/3/8/90
    total... 63/57/14/435

    2 can tuna... 50/2/2/100
    1/2 cup oats... 5/27/3/150
    total... 55/29/5/250

    carb+whey powder... 60/45/3/440

    6oz. Chicken breast... 33/0/5/180
    200g sweet potato... 4/41/0/180
    total... 37/41/5/360

    2 cans tuna... 50/2/2/100
    1tbsp mayo... 0/0/10/90
    total... 50/2/12/190

    2 cans tuna... 50/2/2/100
    1tbsp mayo... 0/0/10/90
    total... 50/2/12/190

    1/2cup cottage cheese... 13/4/5/120
    1 scoop whey... 15/1/0/70
    2tbsp PB... 7/6/16/180
    total... 35/11/21/370

    Total for the day... 350/187/72/2235

    According to the fitness calculator i found at the top of the page i require:
    342g carbs
    256g pro
    114g fat
    3413 cals.

    Obviously my totals are pretty far from the calculator's recommendations.
    Feel free to tear this one apart.

    *** edit ***
    forgot to add, i usually eat some broccoli with every other meal (any suggested amount?)
    Last edited by TheArtist; 04-27-2008 at 01:03 PM.

  2. #2
    BWhitaker's Avatar
    BWhitaker is offline Senior Member
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    First, how is it that you are able to research how to do gear properly, yet are unable to learn how to eat properly.

    Second, it would work far better if you attempted to create a plan with the knowledge that you do have, explain to us why you are doing what you are doing, and ask any questions to fill the gaps.

    Third, what is your bf%

    HOWEVER, you must first figure out your BMR and then adjust that according to fitness activity level. There are some differing schools of thought of what to do next; some feel you should drop calories 3-500 calories below mantainance, others thing you should leave your calories right at that point, and use additionaly cardio to get yourself into a negative calorie balance. I think you should drop it 3-500, weigh yourself each week. If you are losing too much, add calories, and if you are not losing, drop another 200.

    Next you should figure out what your macros should be. Read up as there are differing opinions regarding carb % and fat %.

    Next, most everyone will agree that it is essential to have carbs during breakfast and post workout. Opinions differ about the rest of the day. That is, should you have only pro/fat meals or more pro/carb. Read up and decide this for yourself. However, the meals you do choose to have carbs with should consist of whole, complex carbs ONLY (with the possible exception of PWO). The meals you have fats in you want to focus on EFA's etc, with only some sat fat. As far as combining fats and carbs in meals: this is a hot topic - I do not think that it is much of an issue when you are working in a negative calorie balance, eating good fats, and good complex carbs.

    So when you are making a plan: figure out your total macros, then figure out each meal macro. Then, choosing from good fats, complex carbs, and the right kind of protein simply fill in each meal. Voila!

  3. #3
    TheArtist's Avatar
    TheArtist is offline Member
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    planning and dosing gear in conjunction with an all bulk diet is a no-brainer. (when you're not really concerned w/ body fat) Cutting properly, is a challenge for me...
    i don't know my bf%
    and how would i figure out my BMR ?
    thanks for the input.
    i suppose i'll map something out and let you guys pick it apart if need be.
    Last edited by TheArtist; 04-27-2008 at 12:13 PM.

  4. #4
    TheArtist's Avatar
    TheArtist is offline Member
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    i feel like a 'tard.
    i found the fitness calc. in the stickys to get me going...

  5. #5
    TheArtist's Avatar
    TheArtist is offline Member
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    bump, i added a diet.

  6. #6
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    My Guy's poophole
    Quote Originally Posted by TheArtist View Post
    howdy fellas

    My stats are
    24yrs old

    My goal is to at least see my abs by july. I think it's an achievable venture.
    Cardio and training are in check. but the diet is NOT.

    I just started a cycle of test e 250mg per week. It's low dose, because i'm planning on adding tren in a couple weeks.

    thanks in advance, i know there are some knowledgeable members here!

    **** EDIT ****

    ok, here's a diet i came up with, please pick it apart as necessary

    Meal#1 You only need a pro+carb meal at breakfast, keep PB for meal 2
    10 egg whites... 50/0/0/45
    1 cup oats... 10/54/6/300
    1tbsp PB... 3/3/8/90
    total... 63/57/14/435

    Meal#2 replace oats with the PB, as stated above
    2 can tuna... 50/2/2/100
    1/2 cup oats... 5/27/3/150
    total... 55/29/5/250

    carb+whey powder... 60/45/3/440

    6oz. Chicken breast... 33/0/5/180
    200g sweet potato... 4/41/0/180
    total... 37/41/5/360

    2 cans tuna... 50/2/2/100
    1tbsp mayo... 0/0/10/90
    total... 50/2/12/190

    Meal#5Replace tuna with some lean beef or turkey, don't need for mayo here too
    2 cans tuna... 50/2/2/100
    1tbsp mayo... 0/0/10/90
    total... 50/2/12/190

    1/2cup cottage cheese... 13/4/5/120
    1 scoop whey... 15/1/0/70
    2tbsp PB... 7/6/16/180
    total... 35/11/21/370

    Total for the day... 350/187/72/2235

    According to the fitness calculator i found at the top of the page i require:
    342g carbs
    256g pro
    114g fat
    3413 cals.

    Obviously my totals are pretty far from the calculator's recommendations.
    Feel free to tear this one apart.
    In bold


  7. #7
    TheArtist's Avatar
    TheArtist is offline Member
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    Sep 2005
    thanks chuck, So instead of carbs in meal 2 replace w/ pb?
    that'll cut my total carbs by about 20g. is that ok ?

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