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Thread: Protein?

  1. #1
    Industrial is offline New Member
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    Since my question doesn't seem to be getting any replies where I first posted it, perhaps here it will.

    "I'm really new to these forums but not new to lifting/dieting. However recently the suggested values of the RDA as well at further literature as well as constant debating with a close friend of mine has made be question just how much protein I should be ingesting. If the RDA recommends .4-.5 grams per kilo, for non-active and a max of .9 per kilo for highly active adults (body builders included) where did this idea of pushing the protein limit come from? I have found very little evidence or documented cases of people gaining much faster than one another with different protein intake levels. From my understanding the body can only properly digest 25-35 grams of protein per serving (which makes sense when you consider most high protein foods are just lower than that number.)

    I do understand that there are some health benefits to having more protein in your system but it seems that there is a limit, not to mention of overload on the kidneys.

    If someone could please provide me with links and such showing why/how as well as how much more effective consuming more protein is, it would be greatly appreciated.

    I'm sure this has been discussed before but I am having trouble finding any straight answers that are well backed up with literature that supports such claims.

    Edit: After a bit more searching, the closest artical stating such claims was this one Even there they say 1.6-2.0 grams per kilo."

  2. #2
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    People do not consider three things, which only who practise bodybuilding knows:

    A bodybuilder uses to lift weights 4 to 7 days a week, on 1-2 hours of HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING.
    They calculate the basis for who has to eat and rest for a 2-3 medium intensity workout sessions per week, so the amount needed is way undercalculated.

    Many bodybuilders are involved in the use of chemical enhancing drugs, that raise protein synthesis on a ridicolous amount, so they need to eat a lot more in order to achieve the maximum results from those so called steroids .

    They make calcs on a standard of slow and moderate growing, when differently bodybuilders want to see their body improve the more in the minor time possible.

    That's my point of view on this.
    I calculate my bodys protein need doing : Lean body mass in pounds x 1.5 = grams of protein per day.


  3. #3
    Industrial is offline New Member
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    Thank you for your reply but I still feel a little uneducated on this issue with it. Would you happen to be able to supply any sources/links/documentation for any of the statements you provided? I do understand that the study I linked did have some mention of the requirements for people involved in sports and "highly active" people but I do not recall it specifically saying that it was only a study on people doing moderate training.

    Also, if you could provide me with anything showing that protein synthesis is increased in the body during heavy lifting as well as hormonal us, I would greatly appreciate. As I have currently found no evidence of this as well as only find people stating that it is just that way, or that they simply grew faster when they started consuming more protein, which honestly could be effects from only needing a slight bit more instead of 1.5grams in total. Or possibly more training, and so on. Anything going into your system can impact your body, which we all know very well.

    Clarification/links and resources would be greatly appreciated.

  4. #4
    Dicknang's Avatar
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    Check out Milos Sarcev's videos on nutrition. There's five or six of them and they are very informative. Highly recommended.

  5. #5
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Industrial View Post
    Thank you for your reply but I still feel a little uneducated on this issue with it. Would you happen to be able to supply any sources/links/documentation for any of the statements you provided? I do understand that the study I linked did have some mention of the requirements for people involved in sports and "highly active" people but I do not recall it specifically saying that it was only a study on people doing moderate training.

    Also, if you could provide me with anything showing that protein synthesis is increased in the body during heavy lifting as well as hormonal us, I would greatly appreciate. As I have currently found no evidence of this as well as only find people stating that it is just that way, or that they simply grew faster when they started consuming more protein, which honestly could be effects from only needing a slight bit more instead of 1.5grams in total. Or possibly more training, and so on. Anything going into your system can impact your body, which we all know very well.

    Clarification/links and resources would be greatly appreciated.
    If you read more acurately my post, you'd realize that I wrote that protein synthesis is raised up while on a exogenous hormone threatment (steroids ).
    And there's no need to prove it, it's just the anabolic properties those chemicals have.

    Last edited by ChuckLee; 04-29-2008 at 05:06 AM.

  6. #6
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    Industrial, without refereed articles, I can say that may do overshoot protein requirements. However it really depends on whether they are using exogenous substances, and the allotted numbers of their fats and carbs.

    however, i usually stick within the 1-1.5g per pound of LBM.

  7. #7
    Industrial is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    If you read more acurately my post, you'd realize that I wrote that protein synthesis is raised up while on a exogenous hormone threatment (steroids ).
    And there's no need to prove it, it's just the anabolic properties those chemicals have.

    So what you are saying is that I should simply take your word for it? As well as take your word for your daily intake to be a proper amount when on steroids? Where did you originally get the idea that the amount you take is the most ideal?

    Also, I have still not been able to find any more evidence still backing the general census that "more is better". More of what I found where articles like this

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    Quote Originally Posted by Industrial View Post
    So what you are saying is that I should simply take your word for it? As well as take your word for your daily intake to be a proper amount when on steroids ? Where did you originally get the idea that the amount you take is the most ideal?

    Also, I have still not been able to find any more evidence still backing the general census that "more is better". More of what I found where articles like this
    N,o I'm not asking you to just "take my word". All I was saying is that in my experience this is what has worked for me (1-1.5g), and many throughout the history of bodybuilding. Now scientific premise? I again, do not have any readily available, but I will do a little lookie-loo for you and see if I can come up with any information. Myself, I don't buy into the more is better school of thought except when regarding steroids. They do enhance protein synthesis so it may be wise to supplement protein in that case. It is a very good question, and one that usually doesn't receive many viable answers. This thread further proves that while some ideas work, there isn't any real significance behind the "norm".

  9. #9
    Industrial is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    N,o I'm not asking you to just "take my word". All I was saying is that in my experience this is what has worked for me (1-1.5g), and many throughout the history of bodybuilding. Now scientific premise? I again, do not have any readily available, but I will do a little lookie-loo for you and see if I can come up with any information. Myself, I don't buy into the more is better school of thought except when regarding steroids. They do enhance protein synthesis so it may be wise to supplement protein in that case. It is a very good question, and one that usually doesn't receive many viable answers. This thread further proves that while some ideas work, there isn't any real significance behind the "norm".

    Thank you Nova, my remark about "just taking your word for it" however was not directed at you. You have stated in your comments that it is just what you do and that it just worked for you. That is very clear. However CL was stating things that had no backing to them when it came to them being "correct". Please no one take the way that I am typing my responses as anything rude or out of place. I'm simply finding it hard to see where this general idea of so much protein is for the best. Even after watching the videos linked here the person in them gave no actual backing other than metaphors on how or why so much more protein is good for you or more beneficial for you.

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    i know its a discussion. i'm looking forward to where it goes.

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