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  1. #1
    poppasquat is offline New Member
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    May 2008

    diet while on cycle


    Hello everyone.
    Let me start with stats: age 23 - 5,8 - 210 lbs - 15% bf - seriously lifting 3-4 years - first cycle, messed with PHS (SD,pro-mag,halo)

    So my plan is running Test400 ( a blend of test prop- 25mg , test E 188mg, test C 187mg)

    the cycle is going to go down 600 mg a week for 12 weeks. i will load .75ml (300mg) on mondays and wednesdays.

    I have letro on hand. and i plan on running AR's suggested PCT of HCG /NOLVA/AROMASIN

    FIRST QUESTION: why the hell isnt aromasin not availible on any research chem pages??? its talked about being on sale with 'lion' but on his page i cant find it for sale.

    Now if i cant get my hand on aromasin i plan on running hcg the last week of the cycle and then pct will be nolva and clomid.

    ALRIGHTY now lets get down to the knitty gritty : diet.
    I want to run this as clean as possible but i need to know if you think im getting suff. caliories for a AAS cycle.

    Meal 1 700am 2 scoops whey 220cal, 2g fat, 4g carbs,48g protein

    Meal 2 8-9 am 6 extralarge eggs (4 yolks 2 white only), 1 cup oatmeal, 3 oz tuna 358 24 2.5 30+ 226 3.7 39 9.5+ 98 0.6 0 27.4= Total meal 682 cal 28.3 fat 41.5 carbs 66.9 protein

    Meal 3 1100am 8oz boiled chicken breast , 3 whole hardboiled eggs, 1 cup mixed veggies,1 cup brownrice 200cal, 2gfat, 0gcarbs,44g protein+ 268cal, 18.3g fat ,1g carb, 21.8g protein+214 cal,1.7g fat,44.4g carb,5g protein= TOTAL meal 3 682 cal, 22g fat, 45.4g carbs, 69.8g protein

    Meal 4 200pm (same as meal 3) 8oz boiled chicken breast , 3 whole hardboiled eggs, 1 cup mixed veggies,1 cup brownrice 200cal, 2gfat, 0gcarbs,44g protein+ 268cal, 18.3g fat ,1g carb, 21.8g protein+214 cal,1.7g fat,44.4g carb,5g protein= TOTAL meal 3 682 cal, 22g fat, 45.4g carbs, 69.8g protein

    Meal 5 500pm (preworkout) 1 scoop whey, banana 110cal, 1g fat, 2g carbs,24g protein 108 cal,0.5g fat,28g carb,1g protien= TOTAL meal 5 218cal, 1.5g fat, 30g carb, 25g protein

    Meal 6 630pm (postworkout) 2 scoops whey, 5grm creatine, 4scoops waxiemaize , 1 cup whole milk. 220cal, 2g fat, 4g carbs,48g protein,210cal,0g fat, 53g carb,0g protein, 149 cal,8.15g fat,11.37g carb,8g protein = TOTAL meal 6 579cal, 10.15g fat, 68g carb,56g protein

    Meal 7 930pm kinda sketchy on details cause i dont know how large my pork chops are, will edit this later. 1 large porkchop (all visible fat cut out) 1 cup mixed vegies , 3oz tuna= 98 0.6 0 27.4

    So the total is kinda vague based on the porkchop.
    But im guessing my daily total is 3363cal,95.5g fat,231g carb,392g protein

    looking back at it....i think my totall calories are low but the macronutrients look good.


    and any other comments are welcome

  2. #2
    poppasquat is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2008
    bump for some kind of opinion

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