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Thread: oatmeal vs premeasure instant oatmeal

  1. #1

    oatmeal vs premeasure instant oatmeal

    what the reall differance like instant tasts way better, i just tried eating a serving of cooked oatmeal( not instant) and it tasts like shit. if their isnt any real differandce in nutrition i will go back to instant

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    most likely the instant oatmeal you are talking about has sugar of some sort in it...what kind are you talking about..

    because if it does which it probably does that is the difference. I myself liked the instant apple cinninam oatmeal as well but after a while you start to like the taste of just plain oatmeal.

  3. #3
    its quaker cinninam and spice or apple cinninam oatmeal. emmmmm the thing for me is i am a big eater usually, however not a big breakfest eater. so the foods gotta be tatsy ya know.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    I used to eat oatmeal plain and it was bland to say the least. I just put it in with a chocolate protein shake and it tastes like heaven.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    Originally posted by BullDogg20
    its quaker cinninam and spice or apple cinninam oatmeal. emmmmm the thing for me is i am a big eater usually, however not a big breakfest eater. so the foods gotta be tatsy ya know.
    I feel you pain on the plain breakfast bro..but thanks god I am a breakfast guy. I do admit..I have taste buds just like you and that quaker oatmeal is terrific...but when cutting it is the enemy!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Faster cooling (instant) oatmeal and rice is not recommended above slow cook. The instant stuff has a higher GI rating and less nutritional content. If you can afford the added time - slow cook and natural is the best choice.

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