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Thread: Anyone having a tough time counting cals???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Thumbs up Anyone having a tough time counting cals???

    Well i sually kept a small journal of cals coming in (food) and cals used (exercise) and although it did the job ive come across a handy calorie counter. In no way am i advertising it but it is the best one in the market. At $ 80 it's a bit expensive nontheless it outperforms anything out there. Many fuctions, very very practical. I recommend it to all of you who want to lose/gain weight. It is called CalorieSmart sold on amazon or on its website. Look at the reviews if you're not convinced. I'm a trainer and i tell my clients %70 of the work is done outside the gym... pertaining to diet and nutrition. This is a great tool for that.

    my 2 cents
    Last edited by dwaynewade; 05-06-2008 at 08:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Kudos to those who think they need it.

    Personally, I'm not going to spend $80 on a calculator.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dwaynewade View Post
    Well i sually kept a small journal of cals coming in (food) and cals used (exercise) and although it did the job ive come across a handy calorie counter. In no way am i advertising it but it is the best one in the market. At $ 80 it's a bit expensive nontheless it outperforms anything out there. Many fuctions, very very practical. I recommend it to all of you who want to lose/gain weight. It is called CalorieSmart sold on amazon or on its website. Look at the reviews if you're not convinced. I'm a trainer and i tell my clients %70 of the work is done outside the gym... pertaining to diet and nutrition. This is a great tool for that.

    my 2 cents
    is this a joke?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    ^^nah.. it's a real product.

    One of a number of 'em.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    ^^nah.. it's a real product.

    One of a number of 'em.

    i know the product is real, but who in their right mind would waiste $80 dollars on this.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    LOL... i knew feedback was going to be critical, but in truth this small gadget dose alot for you... i'm not here to convince anyone... i've been a PT for about 8 years now and i've seen so many ppl confizzled about calories and foods and diets... etc this gives you the option to customize serving sizes, meals, workouts and much more... database has 2,500 foods and 250 restaurant menus integrated... will give cal, fat, carb, protein, sodium, and fiber... gives you weekly reports, sets goals, and logs everything...

    yes i do agree it is very expensive at $80 but there isnt anything better in its class for what it does... f i t d a is an alternative but i dont think you carry your pc everywhere you go... or a pen and paper for that matter...

    again, im just trying to help

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    Quote Originally Posted by cam89 View Post
    i know the product is real, but who in their right mind would waiste $80 dollars on this.....
    it can really help those who need guidance with dieting. dieting is sooo important and if you look at the public, 80$ would be saving them hundreds of thousands over an unhealthy lifetime. practical for those who really do need it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I use: because I have a palm treo. It works great and the program was only 30 bucks. Also, you dont have to carry an extra item with you. I'm sure they have similar programs if your phone is windows based.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    4,336 Theres another one for all types of phones. Palm, Windows, Blackberry, etc

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI View Post Theres another one for all types of phones. Palm, Windows, Blackberry, etc

    nice... just checked it out, awesome software

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    What I do is I go to calorie king
    and use a scale (bought at when needing exactitude.

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