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Thread: stuck on 160

  1. #1
    MikKinney is offline New Member
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    May 2008

    Thumbs up stuck on 160

    i'm trying to gain more weight here, WITHOUT steroids ; i'm 19 years old. i'm taking in at least 1,000 calories in the morning before work at 8:15 and making it up to 1200 by noon with an energy drink; to add my 500 calorie lunch into the mix at 1 or 1:30. i get home and i eat ridiculous amounts of food. for example, last night was 70g protein, 85g carbs, 950 calories plus whatever butter added to certain things. that meal was at 6:15 and at 9:00 i ate a high protein shake estimated at 55g protein, 65G carbs, 1,000 calories. carbs from strawberries haven't been added..

    here's my recap.

    215g protein, 352g carbs, 3300 calories.

    i'm slowly working my way up into the 3250-4250 range of carbs and trying to gain weight; but i do so much cardio from walking for 9 hours and lifting heavy shit all day; should i increase any part of my diet?

    if so, i might find it hard. but it would be nice to know.
    thanks for anybody's help.

    i've also been looking at all the different types of amino acids in foods and i'm starting to take that more into consideration since they're such a big deal in protein powders. please keep in mind that only 50g of protein is in the protein powder each day; i try to get as many protein sources and carb sources as i can squeeze in.

  2. #2
    MikKinney is offline New Member
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    oh, here's my stats. 19, 6'2 or 6'1, 156 lbs, 8 or less% body fat.
    my lifting style: i run the gym like an MMA fighter; i pick certain muscle areas or functions (not like back and shoulders, more like grab and pull or thrust and push) without really stopping accept i run a bit higher weight than you usually find them doing and i also concentrate more on reps.

    i'm benching 80 lb dumbbells and it's over half my weight; so help me out here, the one thing i won't do is change to bodybuilder style.

  3. #3
    Dicknang's Avatar
    Dicknang is offline Associate Member
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    what's your question?

  4. #4
    abbot138's Avatar
    abbot138 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yeah, it sounds like between your job and your style of training you are just burning an insane number of calories per day. You just have to find a way to get more calories. I'd aim for 4,000 calories a day, eventhough you only weigh 156lb, your burning a ton, plus you need to be in a surplus to gain. 500C, 320P, 80F. Thats pretty basic stuff. It sounds like your main problem is an inability to eat throughout the day and your jamming a ton of calories into just a few meals a day, instead of breaking into 6-8 small meals a day. But if you cant eat at work, then you cant eat at work, so i guess i cant help ya there....but my guess is thats hurting your gains.

  5. #5
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Get a stop watch that goes off every 3 hours and make sure you eat every time it goes off.

  6. #6
    FREAK's Avatar
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    right here
    genetics sucks bro

  7. #7
    Coop77's Avatar
    Coop77 is offline Senior Member
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    If you're eating enough calories the weight will come. Some people have a faster metabolism than others. Yours will probably slow down in a few years.

  8. #8
    MikKinney is offline New Member
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    May 2008
    its not genetics my brothers are 260 and 240 and my dad's about 225 on a light day; it's the amount of labor i do. i'm gonna try to eat more at work.

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