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Thread: Memory muscle ?

  1. #1
    O.fO.shO is offline Member
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    Memory muscle ?

    I usally hold about 200lbs at 5'10" . I did the whole AM cardio thing and dropped to 175lbs . I'm ripped but I lost a TON of mass too .

    I lost my contact so I'm assed out on a cycle . Been reading up in the lab forum to make my own , but I won't have time too for a while .

    I want my muscles back and stay ripped , should I just eat as if I'm on cycle (high calorie )??? How well does memory muscle work ?

  2. #2
    marklehner12 is offline New Member
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    Depends on how are you work at it. And how long.Depends on what juice and diet.

  3. #3
    marklehner12 is offline New Member
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    Gotta keep lifting and eating right at all times

  4. #4
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by O.fO.shO View Post
    I usally hold about 200lbs at 5'10" . I did the whole AM cardio thing and dropped to 175lbs . I'm ripped but I lost a TON of mass too .

    I lost my contact so I'm assed out on a cycle . Been reading up in the lab forum to make my own , but I won't have time too for a while .

    I want my muscles back and stay ripped , should I just eat as if I'm on cycle (high calorie )??? How well does memory muscle work ?
    'Mass' isn't equivalent to muscle.

    You didn't say what your bodyfat percentage was @200 lbs...or what bodyfat percentage you are at now.

    Neither did you state how you were eating.. nor the timeframe over which this weight/fat-loss was achieved.

    Basically you haven't supplied us enough to answer your question.

    ...or even enough to see if your question is particularly relevant.


  5. #5
    O.fO.shO is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    'Mass' isn't equivalent to muscle.

    You didn't say what your bodyfat percentage was @200 lbs...or what bodyfat percentage you are at now.

    Neither did you state how you were eating.. nor the timeframe over which this weight/fat-loss was achieved.

    Basically you haven't supplied us enough to answer your question.

    ...or even enough to see if your question is particularly relevant.

    I've always been pretty lean . All I can do is guess on BF% , but I'd say I was around 14% BF before I did cardio , now maybe 9% . If I flex right now you can't pinch any skin I'm so tight , except a bit on my stomache . Abs slightly showing .

    I did AM cardio on an empty stomache for about 3 months straight everyday .

    My diet is always super clean . I eat a ton of chicken . Never drink pop ect . Basically all my meals are high protien low fat . It was modeled after some of the bulking stickys . 8 meals a day with the pro/fat , pro/carb deals at appropreate times .

    Right now my diet isn't right on , I still eat real lean but not as many meals or calories .

    I can bench 225x10 at 175lbs , but I'm alot smaller , at one point I could do 315x8 .

    I guess my question is if I eat a high calorie(3000-3500) lean diet , say 8 meals a day , how fast will I gain muscle back ?or is that even the right approach ?

  6. #6
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