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    goose is offline Banned
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    Scientific study into pre-contest dieting

    An ok read,some missing charts,but I thought it would still be a nice read and have in the volts here,not sure who the writer is.


    Prior to competition, bodybuilders typically employ restrictive dietary practices, intense exercise, and the self-administration of pharmaceuticals to reduce body fat and to maintain or gain lean body weight. A competitive bodybuilder recorded his nutritional intake, pharmaceutical use, weight training program, body weight, and skin fold measurements while preparing for a state and national bodybuilding event. The subject's body composition and related history had also been documented throughout his career. In addition, the subject reported all facets of their contest preparation. The subject administered a variety anabolic -androgenic steroids in various dosages and combinations. In contrast to previous studies, the subject maintained a relatively high caloric diet while incorporating a long duration walking regimen. Records indicated a weight gain from 206.5 to 238 lbs in just over 4 months. Within this time, the subject won a state competition weighing 226 lbs at approximately 4.2% body fat. Two weeks later, the subject competed in a drug tested national competition weighing 230 lbs. The subject implemented techniques to pass detection but was not chosen for testing. Changes in anabolic-androgenic steroid treatment positively correlated with changes in lean body weight.

    Few studies have actually attempted to study the effects of diet and anabolic steroids on body composition of a champion bodybuilder before an actual competition. This study describes the process of dietary and pharmaceutical manipulation on body composition of a male champion bodybuilding athlete. Various unique pre-competition practices are also described and discussed. The purpose of this study is to document a champion bodybuilder's precontest preparation practices and to attempt to study their effects on body composition. The intent of this paper is not to endorse the use anabolic-androgenic steroids in any manner.


    The subject was a Caucasian male in his mid-twenties. Figure 1 and table 1 represent the subjects body weight and body composition through out his training career. The subject had weight trained steadily for over a decade previous to the state competition except for 2 major breaks. From the beginning of his initiation of weight training, a month break was taken on month 34 and a nine month break was around months 96 through 105. The subject had no written record of the exact time of the second break, so was asked to guess.
    FIGURE 1
    TABLE 1
    The subject had competed in five competitions; on months 34, 46, 65, 93, and 94. In the competition on month 65, the subject placed in a "teenage" regional competition losing to a synthetic competitor. In competitions on months 93 and 94, the subject placed second and third place respectively in "open" state competition. The subject began his first anabolic steroid cycle on the seventh year (month 84). The study represented the subject's fifth cycle of anabolic steroids in his career. The previous anabolic steroid cycles began on months 81, 87, 110, and 113. Again, the subject had to estimate the time of the second, third, and fourth cycle after looking at the his body composition data. The subject had not previously used drugs in approximately one year from the beginning of the study.
    Training Records

    The subject recorded his nutritional intake, pharmaceutical use, weight training program, body weight, and skin fold measurements while preparing for a state and national bodybuilding event. The subject's body composition and related history had also been documented throughout his career. The subject had previously obtained and recorded information pertaining to his preparation for his own training records before this study was proposed. He agreed to supply us with all relevant records including body composition estimations, dietary analysis, training logs, and various notes. In addition, we interviewed the subject on numerous occasions, so we could understand all facets of his contest preparations and relevant experiences. We agreed to keep the subject anonymous by the advise of the subjects legal council.
    Body Composition

    Skinfold sites had been measured at the triceps, pectoral, subscapular, midaxillary, abdominal, suprailiac, and thigh skinfolds (Lohman, 1988). The same tester took all skinfold measurements since month 80 and throughout the precontest periods using Lange skinfold calipers (Cambridge Scientific Industries, Cambridge, MD). The tester repeated the site sequence two or three times depending if a mode was found within the same site. The median skinfold was used if a mode was not seen. The skinfold measurements were taken approximately every two weeks for four periods and then approximately once every week there after for an additional eight periods. Body density was estimated by the seven site skin fold measurements as described by Jackson and Pollock (Jackson, 1978). Body composition was extrapolated from the Siri formula. Unless otherwise noted, total body weight was taken from the same scale which had been calibrated regularly. Percent fat, pounds of fat, and pounds of lean body weight, had been calculated and recorded. No skin-fold measurements were taken the first day of caloric and drug manipulation. It was assumed that the body composition on day 1 was the same as estimated nine days previously, since the subject had indicated that no noticeable gains were experienced, and that no pharmaceuticals or dietary manipulations were introduced during this time.
    Dietary Intake

    The subject recorded all food in his possession at the beginning or one day preceding the period. All additional food purchased during the period was also recorded. At the end or one day preceding each period, an inventory of the remaining food in the subjects possession was recorded. The difference of the food at the beginning and end of each period was figured to yield the total food consumed during the period. The subject did not used food supplements during the study.
    Nutritionist III, (N-Squared Computing, Salem, OR) analytical software was used on an IBM compatible microcomputer network to record and calculate daily nutrients including: total kcalories, protein, carbohydrates, fats, alcohol, and the percentage of kcalories from each food component.

    The subject exercised each major muscle group every 2-5 days resting every 4th or 5th day. The subject recorded his weight training exercises in a column with a corresponding number indicating the workout weight for that particular exercise. Fifty to 66% of this weight was used to perform a warm up for 12 to 15 repetitions prior to the workout sets. After a 1-3 minutes rest between each set, 2 to 5 workout sets were performed with the last workout weight recorded for each exercise. Workout sets usually comprised of 8-12 repetitions except when indicated by a numbers in parenthesis by the corresponding exercise [i.e (6-8)].
    TABLE 2
    These numbers indicated the repetition range used for this particular exercise. When the greater number of the repetition range was final achieved, the workout weight was increased 5%-10%, recorded, and used the following set. Multiple sets were usually continued until the subject could not manage to achieve the lower repetition range of that particular exercise. The intensity of all sets were such that the subject felt he could not manage another repetition in proper form. The exception to this was when a few forced repetitions were performed with the assistance of a spotter on the last days before changing the weight training routine. A weight training routine was changed every 1-2 months.
    The Subject usually walked at least two hours if not up to five hours daily. Slight modifications were made on exercise duration dependent upon body composition calculations and over­training cues.

    The subject self-administer the anabolic-androgenic steroids: Oxmetholone (Anadrol ), Boldenone undecylenate (Equipoise ), Stanozolol (Winstrol ­V), Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan Depot), and Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin ) in varying dosages, combinations, and durations. Suspected counterfeit steroids including Testosterone cypionate (Depo-Testosterone , Upjohn) and Nandrolone decanoate (Deca Durabolin , Lypomed) were also included. The subject also consumed Defend (Power Distributors, Marina Del Rey, CA) before Nationals in attempt to eliminate the potential detection of metabolites of anabolic-androgenic steroid in the urine. The subject was taking a 12 mg capsule of Chlorpheniramine Maleate (Geneva Generics, Broomfield, CO) as needed for seasonal allergic rhinitis.
    An attempt was made to administer one or more drugs in a systematic approach throughout the duration of the periods. The drug period generally began and ended 1 to 2 days preceding the corresponding body composition testing periods to account for the lag time thought to have occurred before the drug had its physiological effect. Manipulation in drug type, dosage, and administration pattern was based upon availability of compounds, experimental curiosity, biofeedback, and body composition results.
    For guidance, the subject used the books Underground Steroid Handbook II by Daniel Duchaine (HLR Technical Books, Venice CA) and Anabolic Steroids: What Kind and How Many by Frederick C. Hatfield, Ph.D (Fitness Systems) when planning his cycles.

    The subject made modifications on diet, anabolic-androgenic steroid administration, and exercise strategies dependent upon body composition calculations. Precompetition pharmaceutical, dietary, and body composition data is presented on table 3.
    TABLE 3
    The subject consumed an estimated daily average of 5699-7281 kcalories throughout all periods. Throughout all periods the percentage of calories from foodstuffs consisted of; protein: 19%-28%, carbohydrates: 51%-58%, fats: 19%-30%. Meals were usually spaced approximately 2.5 to 3 hours apart.
    Period 1

    The greatest lean body weight gain was seen the first ten days. The lean body mass gain of 8.9 lbs (.988 lb / day) was undoubtedly due to the introduction of drugs. Oxmetholone (Anadrol) was used this period with an average administration of 55.6 mg / Daily for approximately 9 days.
    Period 2

    A substantially smaller gain in lean body weight was seen the second period consisting of approximately 14 days. The gain in lean body mass was only 2.9 lbs (.207 lb / day). Beginning two days preceding the period, an average of 62.5 mg of Oxmetholone (Anadrol) was taken for four days. Also beginning the same time, 300 mg of Boldenone undecylenate (Equipoise) was administered every week. An average daily dosage of 60.7 mg / daily was taken with both drugs combined.
    Period 3

    The third period reflected an acceptable gain in lean body mass when both Boldenone undecylenate (Equipoise) and Oxmetholone (Anadrol) were administered at an average dosage of 78.6 mg / daily. Beginning two days preceding the period, 300 mgs. of Boldenone undecylenate (Equipoise) was administered every week and an average of 35.7 mgs of Oxmetholone (Anadrol) was taken daily in descending fashion ranging from 50 mg ­ 7.5 mg . In these 14 days, 4.5 lbs (.321 lbs / day) in lean body mass was seen.
    Period 4

    A gain of only 1 lb (.066 lb / day) in lean body mass was seen the fourth period of 15 days. Three days preceding this period, suspected counterfeit Testosterone cypionate (Depo-Testosterone) and Nandrolone decanoate (Deca Durabolin ) were administered. According to the concentrations indicated on their labels, 600 mgs. of Testosterone cypionate (Depo-Testosterone) and 175 mg of Nandrolone decanoate (Deca Durabolin) was administered. The subject felt and saw no effect after the first week then proceeded to administer 50 mgs of Stanozolol (Winstrol­V) every other day until the end of the period. Despite the greater than average dosage of Testosterone cypionate (Depo-Testosterone) the average daily dosage of all drugs in that period was only 65 mg / day.
    Period 5

    The fifth period lasted only 6 days. Three days preceding the period, 650 mgs of Boldenone undecylenate (Equipoise) was administered over three days, since one syringe could only hold 3 cc, or 150 mgs. Only .4 lbs (.06 lbs / day) of lean body weight was seen with 108.33 mg / day of Equipoise.
    Period 6

    The six period, lasting 8 days, yielded a larger gain of 3.2 lbs (.4 lbs / day) in lean body mass. One day preceding the period, 100 mgs of Oxmetholone (Anadrol) was taken all but one day in which 50 mgs of Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) was replaced out of lack of a reliable supply. So, an average of 87.5 mgs / daily of Oxmetholone (Anadrol) and an average of 6.25 mgs / daily of Oxmetholone (Anadrol) were taken during this period for a total of 93.75 / daily for both drugs.
    Period 7

    A greater dosage of Oxmetholone (Anadrol) was take the seventh period lasted 7 days. Beginning three days preceding the period, 150 mg of Oxmetholone (Anadrol) was taken daily the first 2 days proceeded by 200 mg of Oxmetholone (Anadrol) daily there after. A gain of 3.5 lbs ( .5 lbs / day) of lean body mass was made from an average daily dosage of 178.6 mgs of (Oxmetholone) Anadrol.
    Period 8

    The eighth period lasted 8 days. Two days preceding the period an daily average of 162.5 mgs of Oxmetholone (Anadrol) was administered daily in descending fashion for the full duration of the period. A loss of 1.5 lbs (­.188 lbs / day) of lean body weight became the result.
    Period 9

    A loss of lean body mass was also characteristic of the ninth period lasting 6 days. The day of the period, an average of 54.2 mg of Stanozolol (Winstrol­V) was administered daily throughout the period. Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) was also taken the first three days in descending fashion averaging only 15 mg for these few days. The average daily dosage for both drugs was only 61.6 mgs. A total of 2.6 lbs (­.433 lbs / day) of lean body mass was lost during this period. The dosage difference from the previous week did not seem to be significantly reduced. Suspicion may be placed on the characteristics of the descending drug program.
    Period 10

    The tenth period lasted 7 days. Beginning the day of the cycle day, an average of 57.1 mg of Oxmetholone (Anadrol) and 57.1 mg of (Stanozolol) Winstrol­V were taken daily throughout the period. Also beginning the same time, 50 mg of Primobolan Depot was administered for 5 days. Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan Depot) was taken daily in this manner out of convenience despite its longer acting quality. An average daily dosage of 157.1 mg of drugs were taken this period. As a result, 4.8 lbs (.686 lbs / day) of lean body mass was obtained.
    Period 11

    The eleventh period lasted 7 days. Beginning the day of the period an average of 114.3 mg of Oxmetholone (Anadrol) was taken daily. Also beginning the same time, 50 mg of Stanozolol (Winstrol­V) was taken daily except for the second and third days of the period. A daily average dosage of 150 mg was taken from both drugs. A loss of 1.6 lbs (­.229 lbs) of lean body weight was the result.
    No Drugs were taken after one day before the physique competition. This was done because Anadrol taken preceding the show was thought to contribute to subcutaneous water retention. No other drug was taken due to convenience and the relatively small contribution an administration was thought to have the day preceding the show.
    Final Week

    Since fat reduction was not as a great of a concern the last week, the total caloric intake was increased slightly in attempt to allow adequate calories for recovery and increased glycogen stores. Resistive training was stopped four days before the show in effort to restore glycogen in the muscle. Walking and posing practice were continued. Posing with the aid of a mirror was greatly reduced. Walking was used more as a means of stress management than fat burning activity the final days before the show. Three days before the show, an effort was made to reduce food volume and maintain an elevated caloric intake by eating less more often in order to reduce abdominal circumference caused by intestinal volume. In addition, foods suspected of causing gas and minor food allergies were eliminated. Foods containing added salt were discontinued two days before the show in effort to deplete subcutaneous water. Timing was crucial at this point since it was feared that a premature sodium depletion would trigger negative feed back from the bodies receptors resulting in a retention of sodium by the body. Tap water was also replaced by distilled water two days before the show to insure a reduced sodium intake. Posing was increased two days before the show in effort to expel subcutaneous water. Water intake was increased the day before the show in attempt to inhibit Anti­diuretic Hormone produced in the body. Approximately six ounces of beer was consumed the evening before the show as to further inhibit Anti­diuretic hormone in effort to deplete subcutaneous water.
    Competition Day

    Water was consumed sparingly upon arising the morning of the show to maintain the diuretic effects noted after slumber. A suppository laxative was used the morning of the show in effort to further reduce inter­intestinal volume. Water was consumed as desired approximately an hour or so before the morning prejudging. On the morning of the contest, a total body weight of 226 lbs was recorded from a scale used for competition weigh in. Minor cramping was experienced with virtually no effect upon posing performance. Moderate sweating was noted on stage with little hindrance on appearance. The subject won his weight class and the overall competition, therefore qualifying for national competition.
    Period 12

    The twelfth period lasted seven days. The day of the period, 150 mg of Winstrol­V was administered. No other administrations of Winstrol­V or any other drug was taken during this period in anticipation of possible drug testing. The physique contest discussed above was on the second day of this period. A loss of 1.4 lbs (­.2 lbs / day) of lean body mass was noted at the end of this period.
    Period 13

    Little data was recorded the thirteenth period which lasted five days. Approximately the same dietary and exercise modifications used before the last competition where practiced before the national competition. Abstinence from anabolic-androgenic steroids was continued throughout this period lasting up until four days prior to national competition. Defend (Power Distributors, Marina Del Rey, CA) was taken before drug testing as directed by the manufacturer. A "weigh­in" and a "random drug test" was scheduled three days prior to the event. The subject was not selected for testing, but was measured at 230 lbs on the scale used for official weigh in. On the same day, immediately after "weigh-in", 300 mg of Oxmetholone (Anadrol) was consumed through out the remainder of the day. The following day, 200 mg of Oxmetholone (Anadrol) was consumed followed by 150 mg the next day.
    Competition Day

    Finally, 50 mg of Oxmetholone (Anadrol) was take on the day of the show. No body weight was taken on the actual day of the show. Excessive sweating was experienced during prejudging which effected appearance.
    Period 14

    A few days after the nationals, a body weight of 238 lbs was reported.

    The purpose of this study was to document a champion bodybuilder's precontest preparation practices and to attempt to study their effects on body composition.

    The subject ate a combination of all food components every meal. Thus, there was little need to worry about the glycemic index of each food. Workouts usually began 1 hour after the completion of a meal. Premature hunger followed by mild hypoglycemia was experienced if the percentage of calories from fat approached or dropped below 20%. It was hypothesized that an adequate amount of dietary fat was needed to slow the emptying of the gut for a sustained release of foodstuffs into the body. Anabolic-androgenic steroid use may alter glucose tolerance, and induce hyperinsulinism (Yesalis, 1989). Powerlifters using anabolic steroids have been shown to develop insulin resistance and diminished glucose tolerance (Cohen, 1987). Although chronic exercise generally decreases serum insulin levels (Viru, et. al. 1992), this is accompanied by an increase peripheral insulin sensitivity (Richter, 1989).
    No relationship was found between dietary intake and body composition. In contrast to previous studies, the subject maintained a relatively high caloric diet while incorporating a long duration walking regimen. The variation of daily activities may of accounted for the fluctuation in body fat. Unfortunately, a detailed record of walking duration and intensity was not included in the training logs. This is a serious deficiency in this study.
    Overfeeding has been shown to lead to an increase of lean body mass possibly as a result of increased plasma somatomedin-C, testosterone, and insulin (Forbes, et. al. 1989). Insulin facilitates and increases the transport of glucose and amino acid into muscle cells. Insulin can also stimulate the synthesis and storage of cellular protein and glycogen in muscle cells (Di Pasquale, 1993). Although insulin's effect on amino acid uptake into the cell may not be indicative of increased muscle mass (Florini, 1989), insulin may permit maximum protein synthesis to occur in idea physiological situations (Di Pasquale, 1993). Insulin and other anabolic compounds may act synergistically to produce significant anticatabolic and anabolic effects (Di Pasquale, 1993). Intercellular amino acid is essential to the action of anabolic steroid's role in protein synthesis.
    It must be noted, though, insulin increases lipoprotien lipase action and can enhance the synthesis and storage of triglycerides in fat cells (Di Pasquale, 1993). Anabolic steroids may play a physiological role in the regulation of fatty acid oxidation in liver and fast twitch muscle mitochondria even in the absence of intense physical training (Guzman, 1991). It has been argued that a high fat diet has a positive effect on muscle growth (Di Pasquale, 1992, B).
    The subject took virtually no nutritional supplements for several years. Many claims made for commercially marketed supplements for bodybuilding athletes are not supported by current research (Grunewald, 1993).
    The subject attempted to increase muscle mass by a modified carbohydrate load by discontinuing resistive training four days before the show and increasing calories slightly in effort to restore glycogen in the muscle. Balon, Horowitz and Fitzimmons conclude that carbohydrate loading has no additional advantage to enhancing muscle girth in bodybuilders over weight-lifting alone (Balon, et. al 1992). The effectiveness of the subjects carbohydrate loading was not tested in this study. See "Exercise Discussion below".

    The greatest results came from the initial administration of Oxmetholone (Anadrol). As the cycle progressed, a higher dosage was needed to continue progress.
    Anadrol seemed to be the most effective single substance in the synthesis of lean body mass. Anadrol combined with Primobolan Depot was the most effective combination later in the cycle. Winstrol­V and Equipoise seemed to weak by themselves. Though, they did seem to increase the effectiveness of Anadrol. The combination oral and an injectable may be of benefit to those who may have side effects with higher dosages of orals.
    Descending dosages seemed to reduced lean body mass. Similarly, dosages significantly lower than the dosages administered in the previous period lowered lean body weight. Although, increases in body weight were apparent in periods 13 and 14 when no drugs or descending dosages were present. The increased Calories after both competitions probably increase bodyweight substantially. Bodybuiders have been known to rapidly gain weigh prior to competition after breaking their precontest diet (Hildebrand, 1989; Hickerson, 1990).
    The greatest lean body weight was at period 10. Lean body mass gains (4.8 lbs) surpassed all previous losses in lean body mass (-4.1 lbs) with a lower dosage (157.1 mg/day) than the greatest dosage (178.6 mg/day) at period 7. Four possible explanations exists; 1) The introduction of Primobolan Depot. 2) A synergistic effect between a combination of drugs. 3) A up regulation of androgen receptors from the previous dosage reduction. 4) A relative decrease of Steroid Binding Hormones due to the previous dosage reduction 5) The relative magnitude of increase from the previous dosage is the greatest of all periods. This change was 50 mg/day over period 9.
    At week 11, Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan Depot) not used, but Oxmetholone (Anadrol) and Stanozolol (Winstrol­V) were continued. Lean body mass decreased (-1.6 lbs) despite the similar overall dosage of all drugs (150 mg/day) compared to the period 10 (157.1 mg/day).
    Hurley attempts to dramatizes the dosages of pharmaceuticals used by the athletes by drawing reference to the dose usually administered for androgenic deficiency. This is misleading reference to judge athletic dosages, since anabolic-androgenic steroids are often used in greater dosages for purposes other than androgen deficiency. For example, Hurley illustrates Oxymetholone (Anadrol) was used by one subject in an average dosage of 87.5 mg/day, 5.8 times that usually administered for androgen deficiency. The subjects dosage was approximately only 1 mg/kg body weight per day (Hurley, 1984). The actual recommend dosage for children and adults is 1-5 mg/kg body weight per day for a minimum of 3 to 6 months (Physicians Desk Reference, 1993).
    Early in period 4, the subject claimed he did not feel the sensations he has experienced when on Testosterone cypianate. A counterfeit drugs may contain either no anabolic steroid or a substitute commercial anabolic steroid (Di Pasquale, 1992 (A); Walters, 1990). After Stanozolol (Winstrol­V) was used later in the cycle, small gains were found. Although, the gains seen during period 4 may be due to contamination of the unusually long lag time of equipoise in period 5.
    Table 4 outlines the strategy employed by the subject.

  2. #2
    goose is offline Banned
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    TABLE 4
    Case studies have been used to study drug detection techniques on athletes who self-administered anabolic -androgenic steroids (30).
    One of the most common methods of escaping detection when using anabolic steroids is simply discontinuing the use of oral anabolic steroid (s) several days prior to a drug test. Anavar , Winstrol (tablets), and Dianabol are usually undetectable 3 to 4 days of after cessation. Injectable steroids usually have a much longer detection interval. Metabolites of nandrolone have been found in the urine of some athletes after 2 years it was reportedly last used. Stanozolol (Winstrol-V) has been detected in the urine of an athlete 4 months after cessation of its injection (Di Pasquale, 1992, A).
    Many oral anabolic steroids are more highly associated with liver abnormalities. Their metabolites can be cleared from the body in only fourteen days after discontinuing use and are therefore more commonly used when drug testing is a concern (Yesalis, 1989).
    Athletes have used various methods before drug testing to either decrease the excretion of banned drugs or prevent the detection of these drugs in the urine. Compounds that have been used to decrease the excretion of unblock steroids and their metabolites include uricosuric agents (e.g., probenecid, carinamide, sulfinpyrazone, phenylbutazone, benzbromarone), corticosteroids, estrogens, oral contraceptives (containing norethindrone), Depo-Provera, phenytoin, pyrazinamide, dexamethasone, and apple cider vinegar. Compounds used to prevent the detection of banned drugs in the urine include various diuretics, Defend, and chemical contaminants such as sodium hypochlorite, and bacteria. Defend acts by both decreasing the excretion of the drug and by diluting the the urine (Di Pasquale, 1992, A).
    Bilateral gynecomastia developed during the steroid treatment but disappeared a few months after cessation of the pharmaceuticals. The severity was described as "hardly noticeable." Men have been shown to be more susceptible to gynecomastia as a result of anabolic-androgenic steroid use (Yesalis, 1989). Gynecomastia in athletes has been associated with the increase of serum estradiol concentrations during the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (Alen, 1985).
    When athletes discontinue the use of anabolic steroids they experience a refractory period where they do not produce physiological amounts of endogenous testosterone (Di Pasquale, 1992, A). Anabolic-androgenic steroid can reduce endogeneous testosterone, gonadotrophic hormones and sex hormone-binding globulin (Yesalis, 1989). Weight trained athletes have been shown to have low serum testosterone concentrations immediately after cessation of a anabolic-androgenic steroid cycle but return to normal within weeks (Alen, 1985).
    It should be noted, the effects of anabolic steroids vary significantly depending upon the type and dose of steroid as well as for different individuals and situations (Yesalis, 1989).
    It may be a serious error to overgeneralize the effects and potential side effects of specific anabolic-androgenic steroids to all other anabolic-androgenic steroids. Likewise, it may be also erroneous to assume the effects and potential side effects of certain steroid use in relatively large dosage and/or long duration will have the same effects and potential side effects at a relatively lower and/or shorter duration. Furthermore, it is not correct to assume the effects and potential side effects of a certain steroid therapy on medical patients, or even individuals within the "normal" population for that matter, will have the same effects or potential side effects on a given athlete.
    All of the effects of anabolic steroids have been demonstrated to be fully reversible within several months following cessation of use; except changes in in myocardium which has not been followed (Yesalis, 1989).

    The subject engaged in walking to utilize fat and to avoid overtraining. Lower intense submaximal exercise utilizes proportionally less carbohydrates. Intense or prolonged exercise can rapidly deplete muscle glycogen (Di Pasquale, 1993). Protein can supply up to 10% of total energy substrate utilization during prolonged intense exercise if glycogen stores and energy intake is inadequate (Di Pasquale, 1992, C; Brooks, 1987).
    Cortisol is a catabolic hormone which induces the breakdown of cellular proteins. Cortisol increases as intense exercise is prolonged (Di Pasquale, 1992, C). Submaximal exercise at lower intensities (i.e. 63% maximum oxygen consumption) stimulates lower cortisol response than higher intensities (i.e. 86% maximum oxygen consumption) (Farrell, 1983; Naveri, 1985). Significant elevations in cortisol seem to reduce endogenous testosterone by acting directly upon the testis to impair the biosynthesis of testosterone (Di Pasquale, 1992, C).
    Resistive training was stopped four days before the show in effort to restore glycogen in the muscle. In light of studies that do not support the premise that carbohydrate loading increases muscle girth (Balon, et. al 1992), it is suspected that muscle girth could have been enhanced by continued weight training up until the day before the show. The subject later noted that various muscle girths decreased approximately 0.5 inch (1.27 cm) after a layoff as little as 4 days. It seems localized muscle edema diminishes days after weight training.

  3. #3
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    Awesome post goose

  4. #4
    goose is offline Banned
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    What it does show is AAS builds up a tolerance ,to keep gains at the peak level you got to increase dose or switch compounds,over the years I have noticed gains holt at week 8.This is why I keep bulking cycles this long,attack then defend gains.

  5. #5
    Narkissos's Avatar
    Narkissos is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~Diet Guru~
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    Nice post.


  6. #6
    customworksking's Avatar
    customworksking is offline Associate Member
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    very nice!

  7. #7
    abbot138's Avatar
    abbot138 is offline Anabolic Member
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    wow. nice post.

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