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Thread: Protein alternative

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Protein alternative

    Hey Bros, I'm having issues with protein intake, being that my stomach can't handle it anymore...bad heart burn, indigestion, cramps, etc. It's not the protein, as I've tried others. Anyone ever do a cycle without liquid protein? I'm in a cycle now but I need to get my protein from a different source... any help would be great. I really want to know if anyone did a cycle without stardard liquid protein, and if so, what did you sub in, and how well did the cycle work?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    By the way... I do eat protein rich food as well... do you think just loading up on say tuna and chicken to get the extra pt would work?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I can't advise you about protein intake on cycle, but as far as regular protein intake is concerned, protein from whole foods is superior to protein from shakes. So if you can get all your protein from meats, you're a actually a step ahead imo.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    you really should be gettin most of your protein from real food not from protein shakes ..look in the diet threads theres tons of diets on how to get protein with out a protein shake

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by beachbum28 View Post
    By the way... I do eat protein rich food as well... do you think just loading up on say tuna and chicken to get the extra pt would work?
    For sure mate. If I could afford to eat meat all day everyday, I would definitely do away with my protein powder.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Cool ... thanks. I eat a lot of chicken, fish, steak, etc. I just thought that post workout shakes were absorbed quicker, and was the best way to get that instant pt intake.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by beachbum28 View Post
    Cool ... thanks. I eat a lot of chicken, fish, steak, etc. I just thought that post workout shakes were absorbed quicker, and was the best way to get that instant pt intake.
    they are, have you tried goat whey are something like that

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    No, maybe that would be better.. I'll look into that as well.. thanks

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by beachbum28 View Post
    Cool ... thanks. I eat a lot of chicken, fish, steak, etc. I just thought that post workout shakes were absorbed quicker, and was the best way to get that instant pt intake.
    I believe that postworkout is the only time when absorption speed is really an issue, and not a big issue at that. Perhaps if you eat whole food postworkout, try and eat it asap after finishing the workout.

  10. #10
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    Check out these:
    Easy to drink and I get no gas what so ever, but when I cook them it's another story, terrible gas.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    How much does the eggs cost?

  12. #12
    the egg white powder is nasty stuff...

  13. #13
    ya like the others said most of your protein should be from solid foods anyways. im sure your body can handle just one little protein shake after you work out cant it? id say its worth the gas or cramps or whatever you get

  14. #14
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    I get gas and bloat, which causes heartburn, which causes me to get PVC's (irregular heartbeats) everytime. I used to be able to handle it, but for some reason protein shakes have become my enemy. I'm not sure if it's the protein or the chocolate flavor. Might try different flavor, or goats whey. The eggs sound pretty nasty to me.

  15. #15
    hmmm that is interesting that protien is causing irregular heartbeats...

  16. #16
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    evre try chicken or steak???? jk bro try whey isolate man

  17. #17
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    lots of egg whites, i eat a dozen a day. true not enough, but i am poor

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    suck i know what u mean man im working 2 jobs and trying to do afew porn flicks so i can save for my next cycle plus some GH

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    ps straight porn im not following paths of some pro BB's

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by beachbum28 View Post
    I get gas and bloat, which causes heartburn, which causes me to get PVC's (irregular heartbeats) everytime. I used to be able to handle it, but for some reason protein shakes have become my enemy. I'm not sure if it's the protein or the chocolate flavor. Might try different flavor, or goats whey. The eggs sound pretty nasty to me.
    FUKK THE SHIT CHOCOLATE. It sucks man. Same here.
    I consumed around 12 lbs of protein and the symptoms are:-

    1. When you consume the protein its good. But later you get gas.
    2. The 2nd time you take choco protein you will feel like going to tiolet.
    3. Even in the morning i used to feel like something is burning in my chest like some acidic stuff.

    I got it checked it today from a doc who is a Liver and Gastric specialist and have just spent a lot. I believe if you want to take protein shake then the best thing for the stomach which does not accept these protein shake is Raw Whey Protein. Its really good stuff and take good shot of amino capsules and a good vitamin tab. Try if you can find Raw Whey. Yeah i agree taking protein from real food but still if you want to have you can give this one a go.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by fujitsupalm View Post
    lots of egg whites, i eat a dozen a day. true not enough, but i am poor

    eggs are super cheap if you can buy them in bulk.......MY last contest prep, i was eating 15 dozen eggs whites a week......Now i cant stand the taste of eggs, and refuse to eat them......

  22. #22
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    buddy of mine had similiar issue with regular protein. tried the goat wasn;t bad. maybe lactose intolerant? that could cause the intense cramps and bloating

  23. #23
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    May 2005
    You could try a ISOPURE PROTEIN, is not too exspensive, and you should not have problems with bloat....mixes instatnly with water.....

  24. #24
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    Apr 2008
    all that whey shit is garbage! why gourmet, whey cool, whey elite

    whey gold ...whey my ass!

    absolute garbage.

    after a workout you may get away with it cause your body will

    suck it up...other than will just get stored. You will get

    bloated and fat.

    You cannot force protein synthesis! How's that for ya? Bet you never

    read that on those marketing adds!

    If you don't have time to eat a chicken.

    take amino acids!

  25. #25
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    I'll move this to the diet section.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    New Mexico
    [QUOTE=Deen54;4016969]all that whey shit is garbage! why gourmet, whey cool, whey elite

    whey gold ...whey my ass!

    absolute garbage.

    after a workout you may get away with it cause your body will

    suck it up...other than will just get stored. You will get

    bloated and fat.

    You cannot force protein synthesis! How's that for ya? Bet you never

    read that on those marketing adds!

    If you don't have time to eat a chicken.

    take amino acids![/QUOTE]

    What are you talking about?? Do you really think a protein shake will get stored as fat over eating a piece of chicken? They are both protein! I do believe eating protein is better than drinking it, but 20 grams of protein has the same amount of calories wheather it comes from chicken or a protein shake. What exactly do you think amino acids are? If you didn't know a protein shake is made up of 20 different amino acids.

    I would really try the isolate protein shakes. Like the other guy said, goat whey is great on the stomach, but usually taste like crap.

  27. #27
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    I used to be of the school of thought of just downing a whey protein shake whenever to fill in the gaps of my diet. But, there are some problems with that.
    1) Whey is not a complete protein, by that I mean it does not contain all of the essential amino acids that your body needs ("essential" aminos are ones that your body cannot synthesize on it's own and need to be consumed from outside sources). Nine amino acids are generally regarded as essential for humans: phenylalanine, valine, threonine, tryptophan, isoleucine, methionine, histidine, leucine, and lysine.
    2) Whey is absorbed by your body very quickly (within about 30 minutes). So if you are going 2-3 hours between meals, it's not wise to have a protein source that is absored that quickly.

    The most ideal (general purpose) protein source that you can consume (as a whole food or as a powder) is egg protein. It is a complete protein (i.e. it contains all essential amino acids), is rated 100 on the BV scale (right behind whey) and it takes the body approximately 1.5-3 hours to digest, so it's ideal if your diet is the normal 2-3 hour span between meals.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    South Jersey
    Try Gemma protein, its absoprtion rate is only slightly (and i mean i minutely) slower than whey. My lifting partner is lactos intolerant. He swears by the stuff. Cheaper than whey too.

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