Just posting a diet plan for the next few months to see how my weigh goes.
A goal is to lose some bf while maintaining lbm.

2 scoops of Whey prot, 6 egg whites, 100g oatmeal
70 prot/ 65g carbs

Meal 2:
220g chicken breast (cooked) , greens
66g prot

-- Prot shake --
50g prot

Meal 3:
Salmon , greens
48g prot / 13g fat

-- Prot shake --
50g prot

Meal 4:
220g chicken breast (cooked) , greens
66g prot

-- Prot shake with 100g oatmeal --
60g prot / 65g carbs

---- WORKOUT ----

-- 1/2 Prot shake with 50g dextrose
25g prot / 50g carbs

Meal 5:
Tuna , green prawn salad
50g prot

Meal 6:
300g Low fat cottage cheese
40g prot

Portions might not be 100% accurate all the time. Try to consume arround 400 - 500g prot per day. (3000kcals)

I'm also using carbs as my main energy source so I might consume as high as 300g on active days (when doing extra cardio) and as low as 200g.
Trying to eat most of my carbs before some sort of activity.

I work in IT sector so sit all my 8 working hours thus don't eat any carbs during working hours.

Chicken might be swapped with fish, beef, and turkey from day to day to change protein sources but the prot about doesn't change.

Doing this for the past 2 weeks and will continue from now on. Will post my progress on this after a month.

Comments and advices are most appreciated.

H 6.4 (193cm)
W 242lbs (110kg)
BF around 14% i guess