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  1. #1
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    19year old cuting diet, critique please

    any and all opinions welcome here, critique as hard as you can, though i would like reasoning behind the critiques, not just "you should do this, but i don't have a reason why" type of stuff, i'm trying to keep my diet very strict but i want to make sure it's good to start off with, thank you in advance

    Age: 19
    Weight: 180
    Height: 5'8
    bf%: 8-10

    i eat every 2.5-3 hours, and i eat the same thing everyday, my diet vary rarely changes except for things like the switching of a sweet potato for the oatmeal, but i weigh the things i'm eating so it wouldn't change the diet much

    Cardio on an empty stomach (when i can) before my first meal and after my workout for 30-45 minutes

    Macros: Food/Calories/Protein-Carbs-Fat

    Meal 1: 60g Oatmeal/225cal/8gP-41gC-2gF
    turkey (99/1)/260/54gP-0gC-3gF
    2 Tbsp Mayo light 40cal/0gP-2gC-3gF

    Meal 2: 40g Oatmeal/150cal/5gP-27gC-1.5gF
    turkey (99/1)/260/54gP-0gC-3gF
    2 Tbsp Mayo light 40cal/0gP-2gC-3gF

    Meal 3: 40g Oatmeal/150cal/5gP-27gC-1.5gF
    beef (96/4)/300/50gP-0gC-8gF
    2 Tbsp Mayo light 40cal/0gP-2gC-3gF

    Meal 4: 10mL flax oil 90cal/0gP-0gC-10gF
    beef (96/4)/300/50gP-0gC-8gF
    2 Tbsp Mayo light 40cal/0gP-2gC-3gF

    Meal 5: 10mL fish oil 90cal/0gP-0gC-10gF
    Tuna 170cal/42gP-0gC-0gF
    3.5 Tbsp Mayo light 70/0gP-4gC-5gF

    Meal 6: Tuna 170cal/42gP-0gC-0gF
    3.5 Tbsp Mayo light 70/0gP-4gC-5gF
    beef or turkey 150cal/25gP-0gC-4gF

    macros:Calories: 2615
    Protein: 335
    Carbs: 111
    Fats: 74

    i will be cooking some chicken and such for next week, just didnt have any this time, i also eat a couple wasa crisps throughout the day with sugar free jam if i get hungry in between, though they are mostly fiber and if i shouldn't be eating them tell me and i'll stop
    Last edited by Phate; 06-07-2008 at 08:50 AM.

  2. #2
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    When do you lift?

    Looks good so far.

  3. #3
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    lifting varies depending on what work i have to do each day, i dig post holes, pour cement, and i'm about to start waitering in a couple weeks, but i make sure i have a pro/carb meal before lifting and a pro/carb/efa meal after which is almost always beef or chicken or turkey plus a whey shake with oatmeal or sweet potato and flax/fish oil

    the reason i'm asking is because i've hit a plateau and can't seem to lose anymore fat, even doing two cardio sessions some days and using clen /t3 (which i've discontinued for two weeks to make sure my receptors are upregulated as i use 300mcg/day of clen and even running 50mg of diphen every night i think they'll still downgrade a bit, so i'm gonna run 100mg of diphen for two weeks to get them supercharged, then do another 4-6 week cycle

  4. #4
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Carb cycling could be the answer to get you over that "plateau". Your stats look good considering your age, btw. Research carb cycling as I am in the same boat as you and about to embark on the carb cycling journey.

  5. #5
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Jun 2007
    k, thanks

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