Hi i am doing my first cycle 60mg of anavar ed at 60mg for 6 weeks i have nolva for pct .im bout 210lbs and 12% bf. the goal of my diet is mainly to gain strength i cant gain too much weight cos i box. i was wondering whether i should continue the cutting diet im on atm for the first 3 weeks of my cycle then bulk the last 3 or bulk the whole way through. i may be able to get some dnp for the end but this is not definite.
This is an example of my diet (what i ate today):
meal 1-50grams oats(with milk & raisins),whey shake, 8 egg whites
meal 2-200grams lean beef mince burgers, 3 wholegrain rice cakes (6grams carbs each)
meal 3-200grams lean turkey stir fry with 2 rice cakes
meal 4-200grams lean steak with 2 rice cakes
meal 5-200grams lean turkey stir fry with 1 rice cake
meal 6-200grams chicken fillet
meal 7-200grams chicken fillet
im consuming around 50-60gm of fat, 300-400gm protein, 100-150gm carbs
if you can give me any advice on my diet id appreciate it too