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Thread: My friends diet

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ottawa, ON

    My diet

    This is my friends cutting diet and it has always been great for him. Could anyone help me tweak this a diet because I am going to start using this diet soon. Any help would be great. So ya for last meal, I am going to probably going to eat cottage cheese instead of chicken. I might change the order a bit too but my workout will be around 5 pm. I sleep around 11-midnight usually.

    Ingredients Size Calories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbs (g) Sugars (g)


    Egg whites 10, seasoned to taste 170 36 0 0 0
    (alt. whole eggs) 2, prepared any fashion 204 13.6 15 2.6 2
    Oatmeal ½ cup dry 160 5 3 27 1
    Margarine 1 tbsp 26 0 2.9 0 0
    Water unlimited 0 0 0 0 0

    Total 356 41 5.9 27 1


    Rice cakes 3 105 3 0 24 0
    Baby carrots 20 80 0 0 16 4
    Red pepper 1 small chopped 19 0.7 0.2 4.5 3.1
    Banana 1 medium 105 1.3 0.4 27 14.4
    Tuna, in water 1 can drained 120 28 0 0 0
    (alt. ground turkey) 100g 130 20 6 0 0

    Total 429 33 0.6 71.5 21.5


    Chicken 1 skinless, boneless breast 198 37.2 4.2 0 0
    (alt. fish) 1 filet of sole, cooked 149 30.7 1.9 0 0
    Brown rice ¾ cup cooked 162 3.75 1.5 33.75 0
    (alt. sweet potato) 1 medium cooked 103 2.2 0.1 23.6 7.4
    Salad 1 cup mixed veggies 118 5.2 0.2 23.8 5.8

    Total 478 46.15 5.9 57.55 5.8


    Almonds 28g 164 6 14.3 5.6 1.3
    (alt. peanuts) 28g 160 7.1 13.8 4.7 1.1
    Apple large 110 0.5 0.3 29.3 22
    E.L. ground turkey 100g 130 20 6 0 0
    (alt. pink salmon) 1 can drained 120 24 2.4 0 0

    Total 404 26.5 20.6 34.9 23.3


    Whey protein 1 scoop 120 23 2 1 1
    Maltodextrin 1 scoop 190 0 0 42 0

    Total 310 23 2 43 1


    Chicken 1 skinless, boneless breast 198 37.2 4.2 0 0
    (alt. fish) ¼ filet Atlantic salmon 184 19.7 11 0 0
    Spinach pasta ¾ cup cooked 136.5 4.8 0.75 27.45 0
    (alt. sweet potato) 1 medium cooked 103 2.2 0.1 23.6 7.4
    Water unlimited 0 0 0 0 0
    Raw vegetables 1 cup broccoli or other green 31 2.6 0 6 1.5

    Total 365.5 44.6 4.95 33.45 1.5

    Totals 2342.5 214.25 39.95 267.4 54.1

    Diet %:
    100 36.5848453 15.3489861 45.660619
    Last edited by Stoneco|d; 06-11-2008 at 11:25 AM.

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