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Thread: Diet problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Diet problems

    I am 24 years old 195lbs I just went on a cycle of tren ace and prop both 300mg a week for 10 weeks...Before I started the cycle I was 180lbs and 14% bf... I got my body fat taken yesterday. It said I was 9.5% but I dont think so I feel like im more about 11.5 or 12%... I have been busting my ass every morning the past 10 weeks doing 40 min on the eliptical set on the interval program. Plus lifting heavy 5 times a week. I dont feel like I am progressing the way I should. My goal is to be around 7%bf I want to have a solid 6 pack without flexing... I think what is holding me back is the diet... I am eating really clean but the problem is I am eating too many calories... Everthing I read says if I want to get to 7% I have to eat around 2000 cal a day... Ther is no way I can do this I have tried several times I just end up getting really hungry and gorgeing on food late at night. I have been on average eating around 3000 cal a day... Here is a quick example of my diet. 8:00am protien shake 2 scoops whey(40grams protien) a bannana and a tablespoon of natty peanutbutter. 11am A cup of plain oatmeal with a bannana cut up in it. 1pm egg whit omlette 4 egg whites mixed with one real egg and a cup of mushrooms. 300pm A half of a whole wheat pits stuffed with boarshead chick 1 slice of chedder cheese bannana peppers and sprouts with with a small bag of baked lays. 600pm spaghetti with turkey sausage and whole wheat pasta with light tomato sauce... 800pm protien bar 14grams protien 210calories
    I really want to get leaned out Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong... I attached 3 pics that I just took of my self and the last pic is what I want to look like.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I like how I took the time to right all of this and no one can even give me some suggestions

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    In The Gym
    if you wanna cut then i would stay away from the pasta and chips and that stuff, i cut from 35 percent fat to my current at 228 with 10 percent by good ole chicken breast and rice, mix with tuna or whole wheat bread sometimes, but there are alot of differnet food to eat but i would switch your diet try they have a lot of nutrition articles

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    anyone else

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    this place sucks for advice

  6. #6
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Looks like you are making great progress to me. Not meany people can eat what you are eating and still look like that. Clean the diet up and you be able to take it to the next level. Great job so far, impressive...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    This place sucks for advice? Ok well then why dont you go PAY a dietician, wait a few weeks for your appointment or just SHUT UP and give up more than 24 hours considering we have lives and come on here to hand out FREE advice.

    Now you wanna know why you aren't getting leaner. You have poor discipline. You are eating a bag of Lays? You cannot possibly tell me you think that will do you ANY GOOD whatsoever.
    Your second meal doesnt even contain a pure protein source. Your calories fluctuate between meals too much and you basically dont seem to follow any real approach.
    You clearly dont count calories because the diet you posted is not 300kcals per day and thats a damn gaurantee.

    You admit that when you drop your calories low you GORGE on food late at night?

    C'mon...let me see, not calorie counting (or correctly) eating sausages and potatoe chips, gorging on food late at night? Whats wrong? I think its pretty plainly obvious.

    You need to figure out how many calories your body burns on a daily basis. You can get a rough estimate by using the harris bendict equation (google it) and then experimenting from their with increasing or decreasing based on a 2week look at your weight and bodyfat after staying at a given number of calories.

    Once you have that down you need to look at how many calories you need per day and decrease it either through diet or cardio by roughly 500 per day as a base. Then you need to distribute those calories between the macro nutrients with a ratio appropriate for your goals keeping in mind weight training and cardio and what macro nutrients will serve you best at what time of day and which days of the week.

    I suggest carb cycling, an easy way to start is by using low carb days on off days, high carb on leg and back day and mid when you train the other muscle groups. This is VERY vague of course because I have no idea how you train.
    Protein should be distributed evenly according to how much you need in a day split between 5-7 meals. Fats and carbs are used as your energy sources and should be distributed based around demand for energy. Carbohydrates being higher when you need it more...hence why I sguuested higher carbs on leg and back day as those require more muscle fiber recuitment and a higher expenditure of energy (glycogen stores).

    Get a variety of protein sources and DITCH protein bars. Use beef, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs as your main sources. Carbs should come from oats and other grains, sweet potatoes/yams, brown rice (carbs with a GI score below 55 primarily) and leafy greens. Fats from a variety of nuts and seeds when you need to supplement (UDO's and hemp oil are good liquid options) and the rest will be inherent in your meats.

    That should be a good start.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    i also did detect a sense of self entitlement from you... do you feel like everyone owes you their time?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    G-boro NC
    Dude, you look good already.
    I would have to say that the advice above is more than solid. I am gonna print that out for myself. U an i have similar bodies and body comps so this advice is worthwhile to both of us.

    Best of luck and do let us know how things progress and how you approached things.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    this place sucks for advice
    One more advise I want to give you is be Patient..........

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    South Jersey
    Did you seriously post and then complain 3 hours later when no one responded. Go pay someone to be your personal dietician......Here is a link to the cutting diet thread..... How bout doing a little research on your own, before making a post. You need to figure out your caloric needs first of all, based on your level of activity I would say you could take in 3200 calories and still cut, but its has to come from the right food, and make sure you keep hitting the cardio 5-6 days a week, and continue your lifting program.... And just an FYI, just because you took a lot of time making your post doesnt mean you gave us a lot to work with. When someone posts a diet on this board and asks for advice standard protocol is to ACCURATELY ad up all of your macros (pro, carb, fat) for each meal and list them out along with calories for each meal and then have a total of everything for the day. and dont ever bash and then expect to get advice...not gonna happen. Good luck

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    C-Bino gave you great advice when he didn't need to... he took the time to write out stuff that YOU SHOULD ALREADY KNOW by browsing these boards and the stickies

    this place sucks for advice in so far as the question asked. A vague, nonspecific question will be met with dubious answers... c'mon bro, 99% of us are doing this for free


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