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Thread: cutting diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    cutting diet

    alright im 5 foot 11, 225 pounds, just started a test E 500 mgs/week cycle, and on a clen cycle, 2 on, 2 off

    What i have is wake up, take clen, make food for the day, approx one8 hour after taking clen, do cardio for 20-30 minutes then:

    Meal One:
    One Whole egg, 5 egg whites, two slices of low carb bread some onions/tomatoes cooked with
    40Gs of protein, 16Gs of Carbs, 8 Gs of fat, 265 Cals

    Meal Two:
    One can tuna, 7" Bun, half slice of cheese, 30 ml of mayo, some onions
    40 Gs of protein, 20 Carbs, 10 Gs of fat 335 Cals

    Meal Three:
    6 oz chicken breast, 6" Bun. half slice of cheese, 30 ml of mayo, veggies
    50 G of protein, 13 Gs of carbs, 14 G of Fat. 435 calories


    Meal Four:
    Protein Shake
    30 G of Protein, 0 Carbs, 180 Cals, low fat cant remember exactly

    Meal 5:
    One Whole egg, 5 egg whites, two slices of low carb bread some onions/tomatoes cooked with
    40Gs of protein, 16Gs of Carbs, 8 Gs of fat, 265 Cals

    so thats about 1500 calories, 200 G of Protein 65 G of Carbs 40 Grams of Fat.

    So how is this diet, i also have vegetable replacement pills which i take around meal 3. is this a solid diet, and will i be able to shed the fat and gain some good muscle off my cycle? any tips or alterations would be great, and also is it safe to eat 7 tins of tuna a week?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    also the last meal is being eatin no later than 8 PM, and if there is anything i should add to the meals please tell me, whether it be a need more cals, protein carbs fat etc, just tell me, and also any recommendations for food that best suits these categories

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    it's a cr@ppy diet

    cals are WAY to low.... you need to figure out maintenance cals and subtract 500-1000 depending on your BF% (check fitness calculators stickies) ....

    on top of that you are taking gear???? with that diet, your test is a big waste.... there'll be no muscle left to maintain

    sorry for sounding harsh, just trying to give u a reality check


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    yeah man your 225 lbs you eat that low of calories you'll burn muscle quick.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    dude where are your pwo carbs?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    anywhere my son lives
    and what are your goals? bodyfat? etc? no flame here, just would be helpful. Im assuming your trying to cut up b/c your running death..i mean clen. If thats the case, cals are still too low and coming from the wrong sources of food

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    well i can change the after workout shake to a shake with about 40 Gs of carbs, 30 Gs of protein. but what can i add to the meals to make it better, and yes im trying to slim out and gain muscle mass. but what can i add to make it better, responses better than that diet sucks would be appreciated, just let me know how i can make both the clen and the test E work for me.

  8. #8
    mex83's Avatar
    mex83 is offline " I Can Make Your Days And Nights Look Like Fantasy "
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    Quote Originally Posted by ATL View Post
    well i can change the after workout shake to a shake with about 40 Gs of carbs, 30 Gs of protein. but what can i add to the meals to make it better, and yes im trying to slim out and gain muscle mass. but what can i add to make it better, responses better than that diet sucks would be appreciated, just let me know how i can make both the clen and the test E work for me.
    Hey bro like other members in here have told you, cut the clen, just do a diet and a good work out routine and you will start loosing... I have been doing it and its working. Check out the other post in here called big men need help or diet something like that... I posted my story there and I hope that it helps you out some how.... but yeah cut the Clen you dont want to have a heart attack or something.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Yes get rid of the clen. With that low of daily calories, it isnt needed. You must be starving yourself lol.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    in the kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by ATL View Post
    alright im 5 foot 11, 225 pounds, just started a test E 500 mgs/week cycle, and on a clen cycle, 2 on, 2 off

    What i have is wake up, take clen, make food for the day, approx one8 hour after taking clen, do cardio for 20-30 minutes then:

    Meal One:
    One Whole egg, 5 egg whites, two slices of low carb bread some onions/tomatoes cooked with
    40Gs of protein, 16Gs of Carbs, 8 Gs of fat, 265 Cals

    Meal Two:
    One can tuna, 7" Bun, half slice of cheese, 30 ml of mayo, some onions
    40 Gs of protein, 20 Carbs, 10 Gs of fat 335 Cals

    Meal Three:
    6 oz chicken breast, 6" Bun. half slice of cheese, 30 ml of mayo, veggies
    50 G of protein, 13 Gs of carbs, 14 G of Fat. 435 calories


    Meal Four:
    Protein Shake
    30 G of Protein, 0 Carbs, 180 Cals, low fat cant remember exactly

    Meal 5:
    One Whole egg, 5 egg whites, two slices of low carb bread some onions/tomatoes cooked with
    40Gs of protein, 16Gs of Carbs, 8 Gs of fat, 265 Cals

    so thats about 1500 calories, 200 G of Protein 65 G of Carbs 40 Grams of Fat.

    So how is this diet, i also have vegetable replacement pills which i take around meal 3. is this a solid diet, and will i be able to shed the fat and gain some good muscle off my cycle? any tips or alterations would be great, and also is it safe to eat 7 tins of tuna a week?

    Either way..the substances you are taking are irrelevant.

    What we need to focus on is your diet. Now like all these young lads have said, your calories are way too low

    Eat 3 cups of veggies every day. Add 3 meals to your diet plan. That means you will be eating every 2-3 hours (closer to 2). That should help your cals go up. Try to eat oatmeal in the morning instead of the bread. If u dont like oatmeal then just mix it up with a blender in a protein shake. Oatmeal is good for you. Also have some sweet potatoes threwout the day. MMMmmmm. Any questions?


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    East Bum F**k
    Quote Originally Posted by ATL View Post
    alright im 5 foot 11, 225 pounds, just started a test E 500 mgs/week cycle, and on a clen cycle, 2 on, 2 off

    What i have is wake up, take clen, make food for the day, approx one8 hour after taking clen, do cardio for 20-30 minutes then:

    Meal One:
    One Whole egg, 5 egg whites, two slices of low carb bread some onions/tomatoes cooked with
    40Gs of protein, 16Gs of Carbs, 8 Gs of fat, 265 Cals

    Meal Two:
    One can tuna, 7" Bun, half slice of cheese, 30 ml of mayo, some onions
    40 Gs of protein, 20 Carbs, 10 Gs of fat 335 Cals

    Meal Three:
    6 oz chicken breast, 6" Bun. half slice of cheese, 30 ml of mayo, veggies
    50 G of protein, 13 Gs of carbs, 14 G of Fat. 435 calories


    Meal Four:
    Protein Shake
    30 G of Protein, 0 Carbs, 180 Cals, low fat cant remember exactly

    Meal 5:
    One Whole egg, 5 egg whites, two slices of low carb bread some onions/tomatoes cooked with
    40Gs of protein, 16Gs of Carbs, 8 Gs of fat, 265 Cals

    so thats about 1500 calories, 200 G of Protein 65 G of Carbs 40 Grams of Fat.

    So how is this diet, i also have vegetable replacement pills which i take around meal 3. is this a solid diet, and will i be able to shed the fat and gain some good muscle off my cycle? any tips or alterations would be great, and also is it safe to eat 7 tins of tuna a week?
    Hey bro, here's an idea of what a cutting diet should look like even if you're taking gear. I'm currently on this diet @ 6'0, 205 lbs, 12% bf. I started this diet about 6 weeks ago @ 219 lbs, 21% bf.

    First meal, 7:15 am:
    ½ cup oatmeal
    2 scoop whey protein

    Second meal, 10:00 am:
    2 scoop whey protein

    Third meal, 12:00 pm:
    2 oz. wheat pasta (cooked)
    6 oz. chicken breast
    4 oz. carrots

    Fourth meal, 3:15 pm: (Pre-workout)
    2 scoop whey protein
    ¾ cup oatmeal

    Fifth meal, 6:15 pm: (Post-workout)
    3 slices wheat bread
    1 whole egg, 5 whites
    1 large banana

    Sixth meal, 8:45 pm:
    1 can tuna miracle whip
    6oz veggies

    Seventh meal, 11:30 pm:
    2 scoops Casein Protein Shake

    Total: 2321 calories (281 protein, 207 carbs, 41 fat)
    Last edited by GreekDiesel; 06-18-2008 at 11:21 AM.

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